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(function (window, $) {
'use strict';
const MSG_PREFIX = 'infoboxbuilder-';
const NODE_IDPREFIX = 'pi-ib-node-';
const NODE_CLASSSELECTED = 'pi-ib-selected';
var nodeId = 0,
dataId = 0;
class NodeValidationError {
constructor( message ) {
this.message = message;
render() {
let msg = document.createElement( 'div' );
msg.className = 'pi-ib-error-message';
msg.appendChild( new OO.ui.LabelWidget( { label: this.message } ).$element[0] );
msg.appendChild( this.getIcon() );
return msg;
getIcon() {
let icon = new OO.ui.IconWidget( { icon: 'alert', flags: 'primary' } );
// trigger inverted icon variant
icon.isFramed = () => true;
return icon.$element[0];
getClass() {
return 'pi-ib-error';
class NodeValidationWarning extends NodeValidationError {
getIcon() {
return new OO.ui.IconWidget( { icon: 'alert' } ).$element[0];
getClass() {
return 'pi-ib-warning';
class PINode {
constructor( markupDoc, params ) {
if ( this.constructor === PINode ) {
throw new TypeError( 'Use Node.factory() instead, "Node" is an abstract class.' );
this.elementClasses = 'pi-item ';
this.elementSelectable = true;
this.elementTag = 'div';
this.markupContentTag = false;
this.markupDoc = markupDoc;
this.markupTag = undefined;
this.id = nodeId++;
this.params = params || this.getDefaultParams();
this.selected = false;
static factory( markupDoc, type, params ) {
switch ( type ) {
case 'data':
return new NodeData( markupDoc, params );
case 'title':
return new NodeTitle( markupDoc, params );
case 'media':
return new NodeMedia( markupDoc, params );
case 'infobox':
throw new TypeError( 'Use new NodeInfobox() instead.' );
throw new TypeError( 'Unknown node type "' + type + '"' );
getDefaultParams() {
return {};
html() {
if( this.element ) {
this.element.innerHTML = '';
} else {
let element = document.createElement( this.elementTag );
element.id = NODE_IDPREFIX + this.id;
if ( this.elementSelectable ) {
element.onmousedown = () => this.select();
this.element = element;
this.element.className = this.elementClasses;
if ( this.selected && this.elementSelectable ) {
this.element.classList.add( NODE_CLASSSELECTED );
try {
} catch ( error ) {
if ( error instanceof NodeValidationError ) {
this.element.classList.add( error.getClass() );
this.element.appendChild( error.render() );
} else {
throw error;
return this.element;
markup() {
let node = this.markupDoc.createElement( this.markupTag ),
supports = this.supports();
NODE_ATTRIBUTES.forEach( ( a ) => {
if ( supports[a] && this.params[a] ) {
node.setAttribute( a, this.params[a] );
} );
if ( this.markupContentTag && this.params.value ) {
node.appendChild( this.markupDoc.createTextNode( this.params.value ) );
} else {
NODE_CONTENTNODES.forEach( ( n ) => {
if ( supports[n] && this.params[n] ) {
let subnode = this.markupDoc.createElement( n );
subnode.appendChild( this.markupDoc.createTextNode( this.params[n] ) );
node.appendChild( subnode );
} );
return node;
select() {
if ( this.elementSelectable ) {
mw.hook( 'portableinfoboxbuilder.nodeselect' ).fire( this );
this.selected = true;
this.element.classList.add( NODE_CLASSSELECTED );
deselect() {
if ( this.elementSelectable ) {
this.selected = false;
this.element.classList.remove( NODE_CLASSSELECTED );
remove() {
$( this.element ).remove();
supports() {
return {};
validate() {
if ( this.params.source.match( /["|={}]/ ) ) {
throw new NodeValidationError( this.msg( 'nodeerror-invalidsource' ) );
if ( !this.params.source && !this.params.default ) {
throw new NodeValidationWarning( this.msg( 'nodeerror-nosourceordefault' ) );
return true;
changeParam( param, value ) {
if ( this.supports()[param] ) {
this.params[param] = value;
msg( key, params ) {
if ( !( params instanceof Array ) ) {
params = [ params ];
params.unshift( MSG_PREFIX + key );
return mw.message.apply( mw, params ).text();
class NodeData extends PINode {
constructor( markupDoc, params ) {
super( markupDoc, params );
this.elementClasses += 'pi-data pi-item-spacing pi-border-color';
this.markupTag = 'data';
getDefaultParams() {
return {
label: this.msg( 'nodeparam-label' ),
source: this.msg( 'node-data' ).toLocaleLowerCase() + ( ++dataId )
html() {
if ( this.params.label ) {
let label = document.createElement( 'h3' );
label.className = 'pi-data-label pi-secondary-font';
label.textContent = this.params.label;
this.element.appendChild( label );
let value = document.createElement( 'div' );
value.className = 'pi-data-value pi-font';
// '{{{$1}}}' in msg throws an error with jqueryMsg enabled
value.textContent = this.params.source ?
this.msg( 'node-data-value-source', '{{{' + this.params.source + '}}}' ) :
this.params.default ? this.params.default : '';
this.element.appendChild( value );
return this.element;
supports() {
return {
default: true,
format: true,
label: true,
layout: [ 'default' ],
source: true,
span: true
class NodeTitle extends PINode {
constructor( markupDoc, params ) {
super( markupDoc, params );
this.elementTag = 'h2';
this.elementClasses += 'pi-item-spacing pi-title';
this.markupTag = 'title';
getDefaultParams() {
return {
source: this.msg( 'node-title' ).toLowerCase(),
default: '{{PAGENAME}}'
html() {
this.element.textContent = this.params.default === '{{PAGENAME}}' ?
this.msg( 'node-title-value-pagename' ) : this.msg( 'node-title-value' );
return this.element;
supports() {
return {
source: true,
format: true,
default: true
class NodeMedia extends PINode {
constructor( markupDoc, params ) {
super( markupDoc, params );
this.elementTag = 'figure';
this.elementClasses += 'pi-media pi-image';
this.markupTag = 'image';
getDefaultParams() {
return {
source: this.msg( 'node-media' ).toLowerCase()
html() {
let a = document.createElement( 'a' ),
img = document.createElement( 'img' );
a.className = 'image image-thumbnail';
a.appendChild( img );
img.className = 'pi-image-thumbnail';
img.src = mw.config.get( 'wgScriptPath' ) + '/resources/assets/mediawiki.png';
this.element.appendChild( a );
return this.element;
supports() {
return {
source: true,
audio: true,
image: true,
video: true,
alt: true,
caption: true,
default: true
class NodeInfobox extends PINode {
constructor( params ) {
super( document.implementation.createDocument( '', '' ), params );
this.children = [];
this.elementClasses = 'portable-infobox pi-background';
this.elementSelectable = false;
this.elementTag = 'aside';
this.markupTag = 'infobox';
addChildren( children ) {
if ( children instanceof PINode ) {
this.children.push( children );
this.element.append( children.html() );
createChildren( type, params ) {
this.addChildren( PINode.factory( this.markupDoc, type, params ) );
clearChildren() {
this.children = [];
$( this.element ).empty();
dataId = 0;
removeChildren( children ) {
let i = this.children.indexOf( children );
if ( i >= 0 ) {
this.children.splice( i, 1 );
$( children.element ).remove();
reorderChildren( order, prefixed = false ) {
let newChildren = [];
this.children.forEach( c => {
let i = order.indexOf( ( prefixed ? NODE_IDPREFIX : 0 ) + c.id );
if ( i >= 0 ) {
newChildren[i] = c;
} );
this.children = newChildren;
html() {
this.children.forEach( c => { this.element.appendChild( c.html() ) } );
$( this.element ).sortable( {
axis: 'y',
containment: 'parent',
cursor: 'move',
scroll: false,
tolerance: 'pointer',
deactivate: ( e, ui ) => {
ui.item.attr( 'style', '' );
this.reorderChildren( $( this.element ).sortable( 'toArray' ), true );
} );
return this.element;
markup() {
let node = super.markup();
this.children.forEach( c => { node.appendChild( c.markup() ) } );
return node;
supports() {
return {
'accent-color-default': true,
'accent-color-source': true,
'accent-color-text-default': true,
'accent-color-text-source': true,
'layout': [ 'default', 'stacked' ],
'theme': true,
'theme-source': true
validate() {}
window.mediaWiki.PortableInfoboxBuilder = window.mediaWiki.PortableInfoboxBuilder || {};
window.mediaWiki.PortableInfoboxBuilder.Nodes = {
Node: PINode,
NodeData: NodeData,
NodeMedia: NodeMedia,
NodeTitle: NodeTitle,
NodeInfobox: NodeInfobox,
NODE_LIST: [ 'data', 'title', 'media' ]
})(window, jQuery);