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* DynamicPageList3
* DPL Variables Class
* @author IlyaHaykinson, Unendlich, Dangerville, Algorithmix, Theaitetos, Alexia E. Smith
* @license GPL-2.0-or-later
* @package DynamicPageList3
namespace DPL;
class Parameters extends ParametersData {
* Set parameter options.
* @var array
private $parameterOptions = [];
* Selection Criteria Found
* @var bool
private $selectionCriteriaFound = false;
* Open References Conflict
* @var bool
private $openReferencesConflict = false;
* Parameters that have already been processed.
* @var array
private $parametersProcessed = [];
* Main Constructor
* @return void
public function __construct() {
* Handle simple parameter functions.
* @param string $parameter Function(Parameter) Called
* @param string $arguments Function Arguments
* @return bool
public function __call( $parameter, $arguments ) {
$parameterData = $this->getData( $parameter );
if ( $parameterData === false ) {
return false;
// Check permission to use this parameter.
if ( array_key_exists( 'permission', $parameterData ) ) {
global $wgUser;
if ( !$wgUser->isAllowed( $parameterData['permission'] ) ) {
throw new \PermissionsError( $parameterData['permission'] );
// Subvert to the real function if it exists. This keeps code elsewhere clean from needed to check if it exists first.
$function = "_" . $parameter;
$this->parametersProcessed[$parameter] = true;
if ( method_exists( $this, $function ) ) {
return call_user_func_array( [ $this, $function ], $arguments );
$option = $arguments[0];
$parameter = strtolower( $parameter );
// Assume by default that these simple parameter options should not failed, but if they do we will set $success to false below.
$success = true;
if ( $parameterData !== false ) {
// If a parameter specifies options then enforce them.
if ( array_key_exists( 'values', $parameterData ) && is_array( $parameterData['values'] ) === true && !in_array( strtolower( $option ), $parameterData['values'] ) ) {
$success = false;
} else {
if ( ( array_key_exists( 'preserve_case', $parameterData ) && !$parameterData['preserve_case'] ) && ( array_key_exists( 'page_name_list', $parameterData ) && $parameterData['page_name_list'] !== true ) ) {
$option = strtolower( $option );
// Strip <html> tag.
if ( array_key_exists( 'strip_html', $parameterData ) && $parameterData['strip_html'] === true ) {
$option = $this->stripHtmlTags( $option );
// Simple integer intval().
if ( array_key_exists( 'integer', $parameterData ) && $parameterData['integer'] === true ) {
if ( !is_numeric( $option ) ) {
if ( $parameterData['default'] !== null ) {
$option = intval( $parameterData['default'] );
} else {
$success = false;
} else {
$option = intval( $option );
// Booleans
if ( array_key_exists( 'boolean', $parameterData ) && $parameterData['boolean'] === true ) {
$option = $this->filterBoolean( $option );
if ( $option === null ) {
$success = false;
// Timestamps
if ( array_key_exists( 'timestamp', $parameterData ) && $parameterData['timestamp'] === true ) {
$option = strtolower( $option );
switch ( $option ) {
case 'today':
case 'last hour':
case 'last day':
case 'last week':
case 'last month':
case 'last year':
$option = str_pad( preg_replace( '#[^0-9]#', '', $option ), 14, '0' );
$option = wfTimestamp( TS_MW, $option );
if ( $option === false ) {
$success = false;
// List of Pages
if ( array_key_exists( 'page_name_list', $parameterData ) && $parameterData['page_name_list'] === true ) {
$pageGroups = $this->getParameter( $parameter );
if ( !is_array( $pageGroups ) ) {
$pageGroups = [];
$pages = $this->getPageNameList( $option, (bool)$parameterData['page_name_must_exist'] );
if ( $pages === false ) {
$success = false;
} else {
$pageGroups[] = $pages;
$option = $pageGroups;
// Regex Pattern Matching
if ( array_key_exists( 'pattern', $parameterData ) ) {
if ( preg_match( $parameterData['pattern'], $option, $matches ) ) {
//Nuke the total pattern match off the beginning of the array.
array_shift( $matches );
$option = $matches;
} else {
$success = false;
// Database Key Formatting
if ( array_key_exists( 'db_format', $parameterData ) && $parameterData['db_format'] === true ) {
$option = str_replace( ' ', '_', $option );
// If none of the above checks marked this as a failure then set it.
if ( $success === true ) {
$this->setParameter( $parameter, $option );
//Set that criteria was found for a selection.
if ( array_key_exists( 'set_criteria_found', $parameterData ) && $parameterData['set_criteria_found'] === true ) {
$this->setSelectionCriteriaFound( true );
//Set open references conflict possibility.
if ( array_key_exists( 'open_ref_conflict', $parameterData ) && $parameterData['open_ref_conflict'] === true ) {
$this->setOpenReferencesConflict( true );
return $success;
* Sort cleaned parameter arrays by priority.
* Users can not be told to put the parameters into a specific order each time. Some parameters are dependent on each other coming in a certain order due to some procedural legacy issues.
* @param array $parameters
* @return array
public static function sortByPriority( $parameters ) {
if ( !is_array( $parameters ) ) {
throw new \MWException( __METHOD__ . ': A non-array was passed.' );
//'category' to get category headings first for ordermethod.
//'include'/'includepage' to make sure section labels are ready for 'table'.
$priority = [
'distinct' => 1,
'openreferences' => 2,
'ignorecase' => 3,
'category' => 4,
'title' => 5,
'goal' => 6,
'ordercollation' => 7,
'ordermethod' => 8,
'includepage' => 9,
'include' => 10
$_first = [];
foreach ( $priority as $parameter => $order ) {
if ( isset( $parameters[$parameter] ) ) {
$_first[$parameter] = $parameters[$parameter];
unset( $parameters[$parameter] );
$parameters = $_first + $parameters;
return $parameters;
* Set Selection Criteria Found
* @param bool $found|true
* @return void
private function setSelectionCriteriaFound( $found = true ) {
if ( !is_bool( $found ) ) {
throw new MWException( __METHOD__ . ': A non-boolean was passed.' );
$this->selectionCriteriaFound = $found;
* Get Selection Criteria Found
* @return bool
public function isSelectionCriteriaFound() {
return $this->selectionCriteriaFound;
* Set Open References Conflict - See 'openreferences' parameter.
* @param bool $conflict
* @return void
private function setOpenReferencesConflict( $conflict = true ) {
if ( !is_bool( $conflict ) ) {
throw new MWException( __METHOD__ . ': A non-boolean was passed.' );
$this->openReferencesConflict = $conflict;
* Get Open References Conflict - See 'openreferences' parameter.
* @return bool
public function isOpenReferencesConflict() {
return $this->openReferencesConflict;
* Set default parameters based on ParametersData.
* @private
* @return void
private function setDefaults() {
$this->setParameter( 'defaulttemplatesuffix', '.default' );
$parameters = $this->getParametersForRichness();
foreach ( $parameters as $parameter ) {
if ( $this->getData( $parameter )['default'] !== null && !( $this->getData( $parameter )['default'] === false && $this->getData( $parameter )['boolean'] === true ) ) {
if ( $parameter == 'debug' ) {
\DynamicPageListHooks::setDebugLevel( $this->getData( $parameter )['default'] );
$this->setParameter( $parameter, $this->getData( $parameter )['default'] );
* Set a parameter's option.
* @param string $parameter
* @param mixed $option
* @return void
public function setParameter( $parameter, $option ) {
$this->parameterOptions[$parameter] = $option;
* Get a parameter's option.
* @param string $parameter
* @return mixed Option for specified parameter.
public function getParameter( $parameter ) {
return array_key_exists( $parameter, $this->parameterOptions ) ? $this->parameterOptions[$parameter] : null;
* Get all parameters.
* @return array Parameter => Options
public function getAllParameters() {
return self::sortByPriority( $this->parameterOptions );
* Filter a standard boolean like value into an actual boolean.
* @param mixed Integer or string to evaluated through filter_var().
* @return bool
public function filterBoolean( $boolean ) {
* Strip <html> tags.
* @private
* @param string $text Dirty Text
* @return string $text Clean Text
private function stripHtmlTags( $text ) {
$text = preg_replace( "#<.*?html.*?>#is", "", $text );
return $text;
* Get a list of valid page names.
* @private
* @param string Raw Text of Pages
* @param bool [Optional] Each Title MUST Exist
* @return mixed List of page titles or false on error.
private function getPageNameList( $text, $mustExist = true ) {
$list = [];
$pages = explode( '|', trim( $text ) );
foreach ( $pages as $page ) {
$page = trim( $page );
$page = rtrim( $page, '\\' ); //This was fixed from the original code, but I am not sure what its intended purpose was.
if ( empty( $page ) ) {
if ( $mustExist === true ) {
$title = \Title::newFromText( $page );
if ( !$title ) {
return false;
$list[] = $title;
} else {
$list[] = $page;
return $list;
* Check if a regular expression is valid.
* @private
* @param mixed Regular Expression(s) in an array or a single expression in a string.
* @param bool Is this a database REGEXP?
* @return bool
private function isRegexValid( $regexes, $forDb = false ) {
if ( !is_array( $regexes ) ) {
$regexes = [ $regexes ];
foreach ( $regexes as $regex ) {
if ( empty( trim( $regex ) ) ) {
if ( $forDb ) {
$regex = '#' . str_replace( '#', '\#', $regex ) . '#';
//Purposely silencing the errors here since we are testing if preg_match would throw an error due to a bad regex from user input.
if ( @preg_match( $regex, null ) === false ) {
return false;
return true;
* Clean and test 'category' parameter.
* @param string Options passed to parameter.
* @return bool Success
public function _category( $option ) {
$option = trim( $option );
if ( empty( $option ) ) {
return false;
// Init array of categories to include
$categories = [];
$heading = false;
$notHeading = false;
if ( substr( $option, 0, 1 ) == '+' ) { // categories are headings
$heading = true;
$option = ltrim( $option, '+' );
if ( substr( $option, 0, 1 ) == '-' ) { // categories are NOT headings
$notHeading = true;
$option = ltrim( $option, '-' );
//We expand html entities because they contain an '& 'which would be interpreted as an AND condition
$option = html_entity_decode( $option, ENT_QUOTES );
if ( strpos( $option, '|' ) !== false ) {
$parameters = explode( '|', $option );
$operator = 'OR';
} else {
$parameters = explode( '&', $option );
$operator = 'AND';
foreach ( $parameters as $parameter ) {
$parameter = trim( $parameter );
if ( $parameter === '_none_' || $parameter === '' ) {
$this->setParameter( 'includeuncat', true );
$categories[] = '';
} elseif ( !empty( $parameter ) ) {
if ( strpos( $parameter, '*' ) === 0 && strlen( $parameter ) >= 2 ) {
if ( strpos( $parameter, '*', 1 ) === 1 ) {
$parameter = substr( $parameter, 2 );
$subCategories = Query::getSubcategories( $parameter, 2 );
} else {
$parameter = substr( $parameter, 1 );
$subCategories = Query::getSubcategories( $parameter, 1 );
$subCategories[] = $parameter;
foreach ( $subCategories as $subCategory ) {
$title = \Title::newFromText( $subCategory );
if ( $title !== null ) {
//The * helper is just like listing "Category1|SubCategory1". This gets hard coded here for this purpose.
$categories['OR'][] = $title->getDbKey();
} else {
$title = \Title::newFromText( $parameter );
if ( $title !== null ) {
$categories[$operator][] = $title->getDbKey();
if ( !empty( $categories ) ) {
$data = $this->getParameter( 'category' );
//Do a bunch of data integrity checks to avoid E_NOTICE.
if ( !is_array( $data ) ) {
$data = [];
if ( !array_key_exists( '=', $data ) || !is_array( $data['='] ) ) {
$data['='] = [];
foreach ( $categories as $_operator => $_categories ) {
if ( !array_key_exists( $_operator, $data['='] ) || !is_array( $data['='][$_operator] ) ) {
$data['='][$_operator] = [];
$data['='][$_operator][] = $_categories;
$this->setParameter( 'category', $data );
if ( $heading ) {
$this->setParameter( 'catheadings', array_unique( array_merge( ( is_array( $this->getParameter( 'catheadings' ) ) ? $this->getParameter( 'catheadings' ) : [] ), $categories ) ) );
if ( $notHeading ) {
$this->setParameter( 'catnotheadings', array_unique( array_merge( ( is_array( $this->getParameter( 'catnotheadings' ) ) ? $this->getParameter( 'catnotheadings' ) : [] ), $categories ) ) );
$this->setOpenReferencesConflict( true );
return true;
return false;
* Clean and test 'categoryregexp' parameter.
* @param string Options passed to parameter.
* @return bool Success
public function _categoryregexp( $option ) {
if ( !$this->isRegexValid( $option, true ) ) {
return false;
$data = $this->getParameter( 'category' );
//REGEXP input only supports AND operator.
$data['REGEXP']['AND'][] = [ $option ]; //Wrapped in an array since the category Query handler expects an array.
$this->setParameter( 'category', $data );
$this->setOpenReferencesConflict( true );
return true;
* Clean and test 'categorymatch' parameter.
* @param string Options passed to parameter.
* @return bool Success
public function _categorymatch( $option ) {
if ( strpos( $option, '|' ) !== false ) {
$newMatches = explode( '|', $option );
$operator = 'OR';
} else {
$newMatches = explode( '&', $option );
$operator = 'AND';
$data = $this->getParameter( 'category' );
if ( isset( $data['LIKE'] ) && !is_array( $data['LIKE'][$operator] ) ) {
$data['LIKE'][$operator] = [];
$data['LIKE'][$operator][] = $newMatches;
$this->setParameter( 'category', $data );
$this->setOpenReferencesConflict( true );
return true;
* Clean and test 'notcategory' parameter.
* @param string Options passed to parameter.
* @return bool Success
public function _notcategory( $option ) {
$title = \Title::newFromText( $option );
if ( $title !== null ) {
$data = $this->getParameter( 'notcategory' );
$data['='][] = $title->getDbKey();
$this->setParameter( 'notcategory', $data );
$this->setOpenReferencesConflict( true );
return true;
return false;
* Clean and test 'notcategoryregexp' parameter.
* @param string Options passed to parameter.
* @return bool Success
public function _notcategoryregexp( $option ) {
if ( !$this->isRegexValid( $option, true ) ) {
return false;
$data = $this->getParameter( 'notcategory' );
$data['regexp'][] = $option;
$this->setParameter( 'notcategory', $data );
$this->setOpenReferencesConflict( true );
return true;
* Clean and test 'notcategorymatch' parameter.
* @param string Options passed to parameter.
* @return bool Success
public function _notcategorymatch( $option ) {
$data = $this->getParameter( 'notcategory' );
if ( !isset( $data['like'] ) || !is_array( $data['like'] ) ) {
$data['like'] = [];
$newMatches = explode( '|', $option );
$data['like'] = array_merge( $data['like'], $newMatches );
$this->setParameter( 'notcategory', $data );
$this->setOpenReferencesConflict( true );
return true;
* Clean and test 'count' parameter.
* @param string Options passed to parameter.
* @return bool Success
public function _count( $option ) {
if ( !Config::getSetting( 'allowUnlimitedResults' ) && $option <= Config::getSetting( 'maxResultCount' ) && $option > 0 ) {
$this->setParameter( 'count', intval( $option ) );
return true;
return false;
* Clean and test 'namespace' parameter.
* @param string Option passed to parameter.
* @return bool Success
public function _namespace( $option ) {
global $wgContLang;
$extraParams = explode( '|', $option );
foreach ( $extraParams as $parameter ) {
$parameter = trim( $parameter );
$namespaceId = $wgContLang->getNsIndex( $parameter );
if ( $namespaceId === false || ( is_array( Config::getSetting( 'allowedNamespaces' ) ) && !in_array( $parameter, Config::getSetting( 'allowedNamespaces' ) ) ) ) {
//Let the user know this namespace is not allowed or does not exist.
return false;
$data = $this->getParameter( 'namespace' );
$data[] = $namespaceId;
$data = array_unique( $data );
$this->setParameter( 'namespace', $data );
$this->setSelectionCriteriaFound( true );
return true;
* Clean and test 'notnamespace' parameter.
* @param string Options passed to parameter.
* @return bool Success
public function _notnamespace( $option ) {
global $wgContLang;
$extraParams = explode( '|', $option );
foreach ( $extraParams as $parameter ) {
$parameter = trim( $parameter );
$namespaceId = $wgContLang->getNsIndex( $parameter );
if ( $namespaceId === false ) {
//Let the user know this namespace is not allowed or does not exist.
return false;
$data = $this->getParameter( 'notnamespace' );
$data[] = $namespaceId;
$data = array_unique( $data );
$this->setParameter( 'notnamespace', $data );
$this->setSelectionCriteriaFound( true );
return true;
* Clean and test 'openreferences' parameter.
* @param string Options passed to parameter.
* @return bool Success
public function _openreferences( $option ) {
$option = $this->filterBoolean( $option );
if ( $option === null ) {
return false;
//Force 'ordermethod' back to none.
$this->setParameter( 'ordermethod', [ 'none' ] );
$this->setParameter( 'openreferences', $option );
return true;
* Clean and test 'ordermethod' parameter.
* @param string Options passed to parameter.
* @return bool Success
public function _ordermethod( $option ) {
$methods = explode( ',', $option );
$success = true;
foreach ( $methods as $method ) {
if ( !in_array( $method, $this->getData( 'ordermethod' )['values'] ) ) {
return false;
$this->setParameter( 'ordermethod', $methods );
if ( $methods[0] !== 'none' ) {
$this->setOpenReferencesConflict( true );
return true;
* Clean and test 'mode' parameter.
* @param string Options passed to parameter.
* @return bool Success
public function _mode( $option ) {
if ( in_array( $option, $this->getData( 'mode' )['values'] ) ) {
//'none' mode is implemented as a specific submode of 'inline' with <br/> as inline text
if ( $option == 'none' ) {
$this->setParameter( 'mode', 'inline' );
$this->setParameter( 'inlinetext', '<br/>' );
} elseif ( $option == 'userformat' ) {
// userformat resets inline text to empty string
$this->setParameter( 'inlinetext', '' );
$this->setParameter( 'mode', $option );
} else {
$this->setParameter( 'mode', $option );
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Clean and test 'distinct' parameter.
* @param string Options passed to parameter.
* @return bool Success
public function _distinct( $option ) {
$boolean = $this->filterBoolean( $option );
if ( $option == 'strict' ) {
$this->setParameter( 'distinctresultset', 'strict' );
} elseif ( $boolean !== null ) {
$this->setParameter( 'distinctresultset', $boolean );
} else {
return false;
return true;
* Clean and test 'ordercollation' parameter.
* @param string Options passed to parameter.
* @return bool Success
public function _ordercollation( $option ) {
if ( $option == 'bridge' ) {
$this->setParameter( 'ordersuitsymbols', true );
} elseif ( !empty( $option ) ) {
$this->setParameter( 'ordercollation', $option );
} else {
return false;
return true;
* Short cut to _format();
* @return mixed
public function _listseparators() {
return call_user_func_array( [ $this, '_format' ], func_get_args() );
* Clean and test 'format' parameter.
* @param string Options passed to parameter.
* @return bool Success
public function _format( $option ) {
//Parsing of wikitext will happen at the end of the output phase. Replace '\n' in the input by linefeed because wiki syntax depends on linefeeds.
$option = $this->stripHtmlTags( $option );
$option = Parse::replaceNewLines( $option );
$this->setParameter( 'listseparators', explode( ',', $option, 4 ) );
//Set the 'mode' parameter to userformat automatically.
$this->setParameter( 'mode', 'userformat' );
$this->setParameter( 'inlinetext', '' );
return true;
* Clean and test 'title' parameter.
* @param string Options passed to parameter.
* @return bool Success
public function _title( $option ) {
$title = \Title::newFromText( $option );
if ( $title ) {
$data = $this->getParameter( 'title' );
$data['='][] = str_replace( ' ', '_', $title->getText() );
$this->setParameter( 'title', $data );
$data = $this->getParameter( 'namespace' );
$data[] = $title->getNamespace();
$data = array_unique( $data );
$this->setParameter( 'namespace', $data );
$this->setParameter( 'mode', 'userformat' );
$this->setSelectionCriteriaFound( true );
$this->setOpenReferencesConflict( true );
return true;
return false;
* Clean and test 'titleregexp' parameter.
* @param string Options passed to parameter.
* @return bool Success
public function _titleregexp( $option ) {
$data = $this->getParameter( 'title' );
if ( !is_array( $data['regexp'] ) ) {
$data['regexp'] = [];
$newMatches = explode( '|', str_replace( ' ', '\_', $option ) );
if ( !$this->isRegexValid( $newMatches, true ) ) {
return false;
$data['regexp'] = array_merge( $data['regexp'], $newMatches );
$this->setParameter( 'title', $data );
$this->setSelectionCriteriaFound( true );
return true;
* Clean and test 'titlematch' parameter.
* @param string Options passed to parameter.
* @return bool Success
public function _titlematch( $option ) {
$data = $this->getParameter( 'title' );
if ( !is_array( $data['like'] ) ) {
$data['like'] = [];
$newMatches = explode( '|', str_replace( ' ', '\_', $option ) );
$data['like'] = array_merge( $data['like'], $newMatches );
$this->setParameter( 'title', $data );
$this->setSelectionCriteriaFound( true );
return true;
* Clean and test 'nottitleregexp' parameter.
* @param string Options passed to parameter.
* @return bool Success
public function _nottitleregexp( $option ) {
$data = $this->getParameter( 'nottitle' );
if ( !is_array( $data['regexp'] ) ) {
$data['regexp'] = [];
$newMatches = explode( '|', str_replace( ' ', '\_', $option ) );
$data['regexp'] = array_merge( $data['regexp'], $newMatches );
if ( !$this->isRegexValid( $newMatches, true ) ) {
return false;
$this->setParameter( 'nottitle', $data );
$this->setSelectionCriteriaFound( true );
return true;
* Clean and test 'nottitlematch' parameter.
* @param string Options passed to parameter.
* @return bool Success
public function _nottitlematch( $option ) {
$data = $this->getParameter( 'nottitle' );
if ( !is_array( $data['like'] ) ) {
$data['like'] = [];
$newMatches = explode( '|', str_replace( ' ', '\_', $option ) );
$data['like'] = array_merge( $data['like'], $newMatches );
$this->setParameter( 'nottitle', $data );
$this->setSelectionCriteriaFound( true );
return true;
* Clean and test 'scroll' parameter.
* @param string Options passed to parameter.
* @return bool Success
public function _scroll( $option ) {
$option = $this->filterBoolean( $option );
$this->setParameter( 'scroll', $option );
//If scrolling is active we adjust the values for certain other parameters based on URL arguments
if ( $option === true ) {
global $wgRequest;
//The 'findTitle' option has argument over the 'fromTitle' argument.
$titlegt = $wgRequest->getVal( 'DPL_findTitle', '' );
if ( !empty( $titlegt ) ) {
$titlegt = '=_' . ucfirst( $titlegt );
} else {
$titlegt = $wgRequest->getVal( 'DPL_fromTitle', '' );
$titlegt = ucfirst( $titlegt );
$this->setParameter( 'titlegt', str_replace( ' ', '_', $titlegt ) );
//Lets get the 'toTitle' argument.
$titlelt = $wgRequest->getVal( 'DPL_toTitle', '' );
$titlelt = ucfirst( $titlelt );
$this->setParameter( 'titlelt', str_replace( ' ', '_', $titlelt ) );
//Make sure the 'scrollDir' arugment is captured. This is mainly used for the Variables extension and in the header/footer replacements.
$this->setParameter( 'scrolldir', $wgRequest->getVal( 'DPL_scrollDir', '' ) );
//Also set count limit from URL if not otherwise set.
$this->_count( $wgRequest->getInt( 'DPL_count' ) );
//We do not return false since they could have just left it out. Who knows why they put the parameter in the list in the first place.
return true;
* Clean and test 'replaceintitle' parameter.
* @param string Options passed to parameter.
* @return bool Success
public function _replaceintitle( $option ) {
//We offer a possibility to replace some part of the title
$replaceInTitle = explode( ',', $option, 2 );
if ( isset( $replaceInTitle[1] ) ) {
$replaceInTitle[1] = $this->stripHtmlTags( $replaceInTitle[1] );
$this->setParameter( 'replaceintitle', $replaceInTitle );
return true;
* Clean and test 'debug' parameter.
* @param string Options passed to parameter.
* @return bool Success
public function _debug( $option ) {
if ( in_array( $option, $this->getData( 'debug' )['values'] ) ) {
\DynamicPageListHooks::setDebugLevel( $option );
} else {
return false;
return true;
* Short cut to _include();
* @return mixed
public function _includepage() {
return call_user_func_array( [ $this, '_include' ], func_get_args() );
* Clean and test 'include' parameter.
* @param string Options passed to parameter.
* @return bool Success
public function _include( $option ) {
if ( !empty( $option ) ) {
$this->setParameter( 'incpage', true );
$this->setParameter( 'seclabels', explode( ',', $option ) );
} else {
return false;
return true;
* Clean and test 'includematch' parameter.
* @param string Options passed to parameter.
* @return bool Success
public function _includematch( $option ) {
$regexes = explode( ',', $option );
if ( !$this->isRegexValid( $regexes ) ) {
return false;
$this->setParameter( 'seclabelsmatch', $regexes );
return true;
* Clean and test 'includematchparsed' parameter.
* @param string Options passed to parameter.
* @return bool Success
public function _includematchparsed( $option ) {
$regexes = explode( ',', $option );
if ( !$this->isRegexValid( $regexes ) ) {
return false;
$this->setParameter( 'incparsed', true );
$this->setParameter( 'seclabelsmatch', $regexes );
return true;
* Clean and test 'includenotmatch' parameter.
* @param string Options passed to parameter.
* @return bool Success
public function _includenotmatch( $option ) {
$regexes = explode( ',', $option );
if ( !$this->isRegexValid( $regexes ) ) {
return false;
$this->setParameter( 'seclabelsnotmatch', $regexes );
return true;
* Clean and test 'includenotmatchparsed' parameter.
* @param string Options passed to parameter.
* @return bool Success
public function _includenotmatchparsed( $option ) {
$regexes = explode( ',', $option );
if ( !$this->isRegexValid( $regexes ) ) {
return false;
$this->setParameter( 'incparsed', true );
$this->setParameter( 'seclabelsnotmatch', $regexes );
return true;
* Clean and test 'secseparators' parameter.
* @param string Options passed to parameter.
* @return bool Success
public function _secseparators( $option ) {
//We replace '\n' by newline to support wiki syntax within the section separators
$this->setParameter( 'secseparators', explode( ',', Parse::replaceNewLines( $option ) ) );
return true;
* Clean and test 'multisecseparators' parameter.
* @param string Options passed to parameter.
* @return bool Success
public function _multisecseparators( $option ) {
//We replace '\n' by newline to support wiki syntax within the section separators
$this->setParameter( 'multisecseparators', explode( ',', Parse::replaceNewLines( $option ) ) );
return true;
* Clean and test 'table' parameter.
* @param string Options passed to parameter.
* @return bool Success
public function _table( $option ) {
$this->setParameter( 'defaulttemplatesuffix', '' );
$this->setParameter( 'mode', 'userformat' );
$this->setParameter( 'inlinetext', '' );
$withHLink = "[[%PAGE%|%TITLE%]]\n|";
foreach ( explode( ',', $option ) as $tabnr => $tab ) {
if ( $tabnr == 0 ) {
if ( $tab == '' ) {
$tab = 'class=wikitable';
$listSeparators[0] = '{|' . $tab;
} else {
if ( $tabnr == 1 && $tab == '-' ) {
$withHLink = '';
if ( $tabnr == 1 && $tab == '' ) {
$tab = wfMessage( 'article' )->text();
$listSeparators[0] .= "\n!{$tab}";
$listSeparators[1] = '';
// the user may have specified the third parameter of 'format' to add meta attributes of articles to the table
if ( !array_key_exists( 2, $listSeparators ) ) {
$listSeparators[2] = '';
$listSeparators[3] = "\n|}";
//Overwrite 'listseparators'.
$this->setParameter( 'listseparators', $listSeparators );
$sectionLabels = (array)$this->getParameter( 'seclabels' );
$sectionSeparators = $this->getParameter( 'secseparators' );
$multiSectionSeparators = $this->getParameter( 'multisecseparators' );
for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $sectionLabels ); $i++ ) {
if ( $i == 0 ) {
$sectionSeparators[0] = "\n|-\n|" . $withHLink; //."\n";
$sectionSeparators[1] = '';
$multiSectionSeparators[0] = "\n|-\n|" . $withHLink; // ."\n";
} else {
$sectionSeparators[2 * $i] = "\n|"; // ."\n";
$sectionSeparators[2 * $i + 1] = '';
if ( is_array( $sectionLabels[$i] ) && $sectionLabels[$i][0] == '#' ) {
$multiSectionSeparators[$i] = "\n----\n";
} else {
$multiSectionSeparators[$i] = "<br/>\n";
//Overwrite 'secseparators' and 'multisecseparators'.
$this->setParameter( 'secseparators', $sectionSeparators );
$this->setParameter( 'multisecseparators', $multiSectionSeparators );
$this->setParameter( 'table', Parse::replaceNewLines( $option ) );
return true;
* Clean and test 'tablerow' parameter.
* @param string Options passed to parameter.
* @return bool Success
public function _tablerow( $option ) {
$option = Parse::replaceNewLines( trim( $option ) );
if ( empty( $option ) ) {
$this->setParameter( 'tablerow', [] );
} else {
$this->setParameter( 'tablerow', explode( ',', $option ) );
return true;
* Clean and test 'allowcachedresults' parameter.
* This function is necessary for the custom 'yes+warn' option that sets 'warncachedresults'.
* @param string Options passed to parameter.
* @return bool Success
public function _allowcachedresults( $option ) {
//If execAndExit was previously set (i.e. if it is not empty) we will ignore all cache settings which are placed AFTER the execandexit statement thus we make sure that the cache will only become invalid if the query is really executed.
if ( $this->getParameter( 'execandexit' ) === null ) {
if ( $option === 'yes+warn' ) {
$this->setParameter( 'allowcachedresults', true );
$this->setParameter( 'warncachedresults', true );
return true;
$option = $this->filterBoolean( $option );
if ( $option !== null ) {
$this->setParameter( 'allowcachedresults', $this->filterBoolean( $option ) );
} else {
return false;
} else {
$this->setParameter( 'allowcachedresults', false );
return true;
* Clean and test 'fixcategory' parameter.
* @param string Options passed to parameter.
* @return bool Success
public function _fixcategory( $option ) {
\DynamicPageListHooks::fixCategory( $option );
return true;
* Clean and test 'reset' parameter.
* @param string Options passed to parameter.
* @return bool Success
public function _reset( $option ) {
$arguments = explode( ',', $option );
$reset = [];
foreach ( $arguments as $argument ) {
$argument = trim( $argument );
if ( empty( $argument ) ) {
$values = $this->getData( 'reset' )['values'];
if ( !in_array( $argument, $values ) ) {
return false;
} else {
if ( $argument == 'all' || $argument == 'none' ) {
$boolean = ( $argument == 'all' ? true : false );
$values = array_diff( $values, [ 'all', 'none' ] );
$reset = array_flip( $values );
foreach ( $reset as $value => $key ) {
$reset[$value] = $boolean;
} else {
$reset[$argument] = true;
$data = $this->getParameter( 'reset' );
$data = array_merge( $data, $reset );
$this->setParameter( 'reset', $data );
return true;
* Clean and test 'eliminate' parameter.
* @param string Options passed to parameter.
* @return bool Success
public function _eliminate( $option ) {
$arguments = explode( ',', $option );
$eliminate = [];
foreach ( $arguments as $argument ) {
$argument = trim( $argument );
if ( empty( $argument ) ) {
$values = $this->getData( 'eliminate' )['values'];
if ( !in_array( $argument, $values ) ) {
return false;
} else {
if ( $argument == 'all' || $argument == 'none' ) {
$boolean = ( $argument == 'all' ? true : false );
$values = array_diff( $values, [ 'all', 'none' ] );
$eliminate = array_flip( $values );
foreach ( $eliminate as $value => $key ) {
$eliminate[$value] = $boolean;
} else {
$eliminate[$argument] = true;
$data = $this->getParameter( 'eliminate' );
$data = array_merge( $data, $eliminate );
$this->setParameter( 'eliminate', $data );
return true;