buffer; if ( $clearBuffer === true ) { $this->buffer = []; } return $buffer; } /** * Get a message, with optional parameters * Parameters from user input must be escaped for HTML *before* passing to this function */ public function msg() { $args = func_get_args(); $errorId = array_shift( $args ); $errorLevel = floor( $errorId / 1000 ); $errorMessageId = $errorId % 1000; if ( Hooks::getDebugLevel() >= $errorLevel ) { if ( Hooks::isLikeIntersection() ) { if ( $errorId == Hooks::FATAL_TOOMANYCATS ) { $text = wfMessage( 'intersection_toomanycats', $args )->text(); } elseif ( $errorId == Hooks::FATAL_TOOFEWCATS ) { $text = wfMessage( 'intersection_toofewcats', $args )->text(); } elseif ( $errorId == Hooks::WARN_NORESULTS ) { $text = wfMessage( 'intersection_noresults', $args )->text(); } elseif ( $errorId == Hooks::FATAL_NOSELECTION ) { $text = wfMessage( 'intersection_noincludecats', $args )->text(); } elseif ( $errorId == Hooks::FATAL_POOLCOUNTER ) { $text = wfMessage( 'intersection_pcerror', $args )->text(); } } if ( empty( $text ) ) { $text = wfMessage( 'dpl_log_' . $errorMessageId, $args )->text(); } $this->buffer[] = '
Extension:DynamicPageList3 (DPL3), version ' . Hooks::getVersion() . ': ' . $text . '
'; } } }