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synced 2024-12-18 09:11:16 +00:00
416 lines
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416 lines
14 KiB
const PREFIX = 'citizen-typeahead';
const SEARCH_LOADING_CLASS = 'citizen-loading';
// Config object from getCitizenSearchResourceLoaderConfig()
const config = require( './config.json' );
const htmlHelper = require( './htmlHelper.js' )();
const searchPresults = require( './searchPresults.js' )();
const searchClient = require( './searchClient.js' )( config );
const searchHistory = require( './searchHistory.js' )( config );
const searchResults = require( './searchResults.js' )();
const searchQuery = require( './searchQuery.js' )();
const typeahead = {
/** @type {HTMLElement | undefined} */
element: undefined,
form: {
/** @type {HTMLFormElement | undefined} */
element: undefined,
isLoading: false,
init: function ( formEl ) {
const typeaheadFormElement = formEl;
this.element = typeaheadFormElement;
typeaheadFormElement.setAttribute( 'aria-owns', typeahead.element.id );
typeaheadFormElement.appendChild( typeahead.element );
setLoadingState: function ( state ) {
this.element.classList.toggle( SEARCH_LOADING_CLASS, state );
this.isLoading = state;
input: {
/** @type {HTMLInputElement | undefined} */
element: undefined,
displayElement: undefined,
// Trigger update only when character is composed (e.g. CJK IME)
isComposing: false,
init: function ( inputEl ) {
const typeaheadInputElement = inputEl;
this.element = typeaheadInputElement;
const wrapper = document.createElement( 'div' );
wrapper.classList.add( 'citizen-typeahead-input-group' );
typeaheadInputElement.parentNode.insertBefore( wrapper, typeaheadInputElement );
const overlay = document.createElement( 'div' );
overlay.classList.add( 'citizen-typeahead-input-overlay' );
this.displayElement = document.createElement( 'span' );
this.displayElement.textContent = typeaheadInputElement.value;
this.displayElement.classList.add( 'citizen-typeahead-input-overlay-query' );
overlay.append( this.displayElement );
typeaheadInputElement.classList.add( 'citizen-typeahead-input' );
typeaheadInputElement.setAttribute( 'aria-autocomplete', 'list' );
typeaheadInputElement.setAttribute( 'aria-controls', typeahead.element.id );
wrapper.append( overlay, typeaheadInputElement );
typeaheadInputElement.addEventListener( 'focus', this.onFocus );
const isVisible = typeaheadInputElement.offsetWidth > 0 ||
typeaheadInputElement.offsetHeight > 0;
const isFocusable = !typeaheadInputElement.disabled && !typeaheadInputElement.readOnly;
if ( isVisible && isFocusable ) {
requestAnimationFrame( () => {
} );
onCompositionstart: function () {
typeahead.input.element.addEventListener( 'compositionend', typeahead.input.onCompositionend );
typeahead.input.isComposing = true;
onCompositionend: function () {
typeahead.input.isComposing = false;
typeahead.input.element.dispatchEvent( new Event( 'input' ) );
onFocus: function () {
const typeaheadInputElement = typeahead.input.element;
// Refresh the typeahead since the query will be emptied when blurred
typeahead.form.element.parentElement.classList.add( 'citizen-search__card--expanded' );
// FIXME: Should probably clean up this somehow
typeahead.element.addEventListener( 'click', typeahead.onClick );
typeaheadInputElement.addEventListener( 'keydown', typeahead.input.onKeydown );
typeaheadInputElement.addEventListener( 'input', typeahead.input.onInput );
typeaheadInputElement.addEventListener( 'blur', typeahead.onBlur );
onInput: function () {
const typeaheadInputElement = typeahead.input.element;
typeahead.input.displayElement.textContent = typeaheadInputElement.value;
typeaheadInputElement.addEventListener( 'compositionstart', typeahead.input.onCompositionstart );
if ( typeahead.input.isComposing !== true ) {
mw.util.debounce( 100, typeahead.afterSearchQueryInput() );
onKeydown: function ( event ) {
if ( event.defaultPrevented ) {
return; // Do nothing if the event was already processed
/* Moves the active item up and down */
if ( event.key === 'ArrowDown' || event.key === 'ArrowUp' ) {
if ( event.key === 'ArrowDown' ) {
typeahead.items.increment( 1 );
} else {
typeahead.items.increment( -1 );
typeahead.items.toggle( typeahead.items.elements[ typeahead.items.index ] );
/* Enter to click on the active item */
if ( typeahead.items.elements[ typeahead.items.index ] ) {
const link = typeahead.items.elements[ typeahead.items.index ].querySelector( `.${ PREFIX }__content` );
if ( event.key === 'Enter' && link instanceof HTMLAnchorElement ) {
items: {
/** @type {NodeList | undefined} */
elements: undefined,
groupElements: undefined,
index: -1,
max: 0,
setMax: function ( x ) {
this.max = x;
increment: function ( i ) {
this.index += i;
if ( this.index < 0 ) {
this.setIndex( this.max - 1 );
} // Index reaches top
if ( this.index === this.max ) {
this.setIndex( 0 );
} // Index reaches bottom
return this.index;
setIndex: function ( i ) {
if ( i <= this.max - 1 ) {
this.index = i;
return this.index;
clearIndex: function () {
this.setIndex( -1 );
* Sets 'citizen-typeahead__item--active' class on the element
* @param {HTMLElement} item
toggle: function ( item ) {
this.elements.forEach( ( element, index ) => {
if ( item !== element ) {
element.classList.remove( 'citizen-typeahead__item--active' );
} else {
if ( item.classList.contains( 'citizen-typeahead__item--active' ) ) {
item.classList.remove( 'citizen-typeahead__item--active' );
} else {
item.classList.add( 'citizen-typeahead__item--active' );
typeahead.input.element.setAttribute( 'aria-activedescendant', item.id );
this.setIndex( index );
} );
// So that mouse hover events are the same as keyboard hover events
bindMouseHoverEvent: function () {
this.elements.forEach( ( element ) => {
element.addEventListener( 'mouseenter', ( event ) => {
this.toggle( event.currentTarget );
} );
element.addEventListener( 'mouseleave', ( event ) => {
this.toggle( event.currentTarget );
} );
} );
set: function () {
const typeaheadElement = typeahead.element;
this.groupElements = typeaheadElement.querySelectorAll( '.citizen-typeahead-item-group' );
this.elements = typeaheadElement.querySelectorAll( '.citizen-typeahead__item[role="option"]' );
this.setMax( this.elements.length );
clear: function () {
if ( !this.elements ) {
this.groupElements.forEach( ( element ) => {
} );
this.elements = undefined;
suggestions: {
/** @type {NodeList | undefined} */
elements: undefined,
set: function () {
this.elements = typeahead.element.querySelectorAll( '.citizen-typeahead__item-page' );
/* Remove all existing suggestions from typeahead */
clear: function () {
if ( !this.elements ) {
typeahead.input.element.setAttribute( 'aria-activedescendant', '' );
// Remove loading animation
typeahead.form.setLoadingState( false );
onBlur: function ( event ) {
const typeaheadElement = typeahead.element;
const typeaheadInputElement = typeahead.input.element;
if ( !typeaheadElement.contains( event.relatedTarget ) ) {
// HACK: On Safari, users are unable to click any links because the blur
// event dismiss the links before it is clicked. This should fix it.
setTimeout( () => {
typeahead.form.element.parentElement.classList.remove( 'citizen-search__card--expanded' );
typeaheadInputElement.setAttribute( 'aria-activedescendant', '' );
typeaheadElement.removeEventListener( 'click', typeahead.onClick );
typeaheadInputElement.removeEventListener( 'keydown', typeahead.input.onKeydown );
// input listener need to stay on to make clear button works
// typeaheadInputElement.removeEventListener( 'input', typeahead.input.onInput );
typeaheadInputElement.removeEventListener( 'compositionstart', typeahead.input.onCompositionstart );
typeaheadInputElement.removeEventListener( 'compositionend', typeahead.input.onCompositionend );
typeaheadInputElement.removeEventListener( 'blur', this.onBlur );
}, 10 );
onClick: function ( event ) {
// Extra safety so closest won't tranverse out of the typeahead
if ( typeahead.element.contains( event.target ) ) {
const item = event.target.closest( '.citizen-typeahead__item' );
if ( item instanceof HTMLElement ) {
let historyLabel;
// User click on a suggestion -> save the matched title > title
if ( item.classList.contains( 'citizen-typeahead__item-page' ) ) {
historyLabel = item.querySelector( '.citizen-typeahead__label' ).innerText || item.querySelector( '.citizen-typeahead__title' ).innerText;
} else {
historyLabel = searchQuery.value;
if ( historyLabel ) {
searchHistory.add( historyLabel );
updateSearchClient: function () {
const typeaheadInputElement = typeahead.input.element;
searchClient.setActive( config.wgCitizenSearchGateway );
// Search command experiement
if ( typeaheadInputElement.value.startsWith( '/' ) ) {
const command = typeaheadInputElement.value.split( ' ' )[ 0 ].slice( 1 );
if ( command.length > 0 ) {
const searchClientData = searchClient.getData( 'command', command );
// Multi-search clients experiment
if ( searchClientData ) {
searchClient.setActive( searchClientData.id );
searchQuery.remove( `/${ command } ` );
return Promise.resolve( `Search client updated to ${ searchClient.active.id }.` );
updateSearchQuery: function () {
const currentQuery = typeahead.input.element.value;
if ( searchQuery.value === currentQuery ) {
return Promise.reject( `Search query has not changed: ${ searchQuery.value }.` );
searchQuery.setValue( currentQuery );
// TODO: Merge this with the search client command and put this somewhere else
const replaceRules = [
startWith: '{{',
pattern: /{{(.[^}]*)}?}?/,
replace: 'Template:$1',
clients: [ 'mwActionApi', 'mwRestApi' ]
startWith: '[[',
pattern: /\[\[(.[^\]]*)\]?\]?/,
replace: '$1',
clients: [ 'mwActionApi', 'mwRestApi' ]
replaceRules.forEach( ( rule ) => {
if ( rule.clients.includes( searchClient.active.id ) && searchQuery.value.startsWith( rule.startWith ) ) {
searchQuery.replace( rule.pattern, rule.replace );
} );
return Promise.resolve( `Search query updated to ${ searchQuery.value }.` );
afterSearchQueryInput: function () {
typeahead.updateSearchQuery().then( updateTypeaheadItems )
.catch( () => {
// Don't do anything if search query has not changed.
} );
init: function ( formEl, inputEl ) {
const template = mw.template.get( 'skins.citizen.search', 'resources/skins.citizen.search/templates/typeahead.mustache' );
const data = {
'msg-searchsuggest-search': mw.message( 'searchsuggest-search' ).text(),
'msg-citizen-search-empty-desc': mw.message( 'citizen-search-empty-desc' ).text()
this.element = template.render( data ).get()[ 1 ];
this.form.init( formEl );
this.input.init( inputEl );
searchPresults.render( this.element );
// Init the value in case of undef error
// Run once in case there is searchQuery before eventlistener is attached
if ( this.input.element.value.length > 0 ) {
* Fetch suggestions from API and render the suggetions in HTML
// eslint-disable-next-line es-x/no-async-functions
async function getSuggestions() {
const typeaheadInputElement = typeahead.input.element;
const renderSuggestions = ( results ) => {
const fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
if ( results.length > 0 ) {
fragment.append( searchResults.getResultsHTML( results, searchQuery.valueHtml ) );
} else {
// Update placeholder with no result content
fragment.append( searchResults.getPlaceholderHTML( searchQuery.valueHtml ) );
htmlHelper.removeItemGroup( typeahead.element, 'suggestion' );
typeahead.element.querySelector( '.citizen-typeahead__item-placeholder' )?.remove();
typeahead.element.append( fragment );
// In case if somehow typeahead.suggestions.clear() didn't clear the loading animation
typeahead.form.setLoadingState( false );
// Add loading animation
typeahead.form.setLoadingState( true );
const { abort, fetch } = searchResults.fetch( searchQuery.value, searchClient.active.client );
const inputEventListener = () => {
typeaheadInputElement.removeEventListener( 'input', inputEventListener );
typeaheadInputElement.addEventListener( 'input', inputEventListener, { once: true } );
try {
const response = await fetch;
renderSuggestions( response.results );
} catch ( error ) {
typeahead.form.setLoadingState( false );
// User can trigger the abort when the fetch event is pending
// There is no need for an error
if ( error.name !== 'AbortError' ) {
const message = `Uh oh, a wild error appears! ${ error }`;
throw new Error( message );
* Update the typeahead element
function updateTypeaheadItems() {
if ( searchQuery.isValid ) {
searchPresults.clear( typeahead.element );
searchResults.render( typeahead.element, searchQuery );
} else {
searchResults.clear( typeahead.element );
searchPresults.render( typeahead.element );
* @param {HTMLFormElement} formEl
* @param {HTMLInputElement} inputEl
function initTypeahead( formEl, inputEl ) {
typeahead.init( formEl, inputEl );
module.exports = {
init: initTypeahead