mirror of
synced 2025-01-07 02:34:22 +00:00
This is by default disabled since it is only used for wikis with CJK language, and also it adds around 100kb to the startup stylesheet. The fonts are subsetted with Google Fonts slicing pattern, so it should be performance friendly
399 lines
12 KiB
399 lines
12 KiB
* Citizen - A responsive skin developed for the Star Citizen Wiki
* This file is part of Citizen.
* Citizen is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Citizen is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Citizen. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* @file
* @ingroup Skins
namespace MediaWiki\Skins\Citizen;
use Html;
use Linker;
use MediaWiki\Skins\Citizen\Partials\BodyContent;
use MediaWiki\Skins\Citizen\Partials\Drawer;
use MediaWiki\Skins\Citizen\Partials\Footer;
use MediaWiki\Skins\Citizen\Partials\Header;
use MediaWiki\Skins\Citizen\Partials\Logos;
use MediaWiki\Skins\Citizen\Partials\Metadata;
use MediaWiki\Skins\Citizen\Partials\PageTools;
use MediaWiki\Skins\Citizen\Partials\Tagline;
use MediaWiki\Skins\Citizen\Partials\Theme;
use MediaWiki\Skins\Citizen\Partials\Title;
use Sanitizer;
use SkinMustache;
* Skin subclass for Citizen
* @ingroup Skins
class SkinCitizen extends SkinMustache {
use GetConfigTrait;
* @var array|null
private $contentNavigationUrls;
* Overrides template, styles and scripts module
* @inheritDoc
public function __construct( $options = [] ) {
// Add skin-specific features
$this->buildSkinFeatures( $options );
// Can't use templateDirectory inside skin.json
// Relative path does not work well with 1.35
// TODO: Replace with templateDirectory when 1.39
$options['templateDirectory'] = dirname( __DIR__, 1 ) . '/templates';
parent::__construct( $options );
* @return array Returns an array of data used by Citizen skin.
* @throws MWException
public function getTemplateData(): array {
$data = [];
$out = $this->getOutput();
$title = $out->getTitle();
$parentData = parent::getTemplateData();
$header = new Header( $this );
$logos = new Logos( $this );
$drawer = new Drawer( $this );
$pageTitle = new Title( $this );
$tagline = new Tagline( $this );
$bodycontent = new BodyContent( $this );
$footer = new Footer( $this );
$tools = new PageTools( $this );
// Naming conventions for Mustache parameters.
// Value type (first segment):
// - Prefix "is" or "has" for boolean values.
// - Prefix "msg-" for interface message text.
// - Prefix "html-" for raw HTML.
// - Prefix "data-" for an array of template parameters that should be passed directly
// to a template partial.
// - Prefix "array-" for lists of any values.
// Source of value (first or second segment)
// - Segment "page-" for data relating to the current page (e.g. Title, WikiPage, or OutputPage).
// - Segment "hook-" for any thing generated from a hook.
// It should be followed by the name of the hook in hyphenated lowercase.
// Conditionally used values must use null to indicate absence (not false or '').
$newTalksHtml = $this->getNewtalks() ?: null;
// Polyfill for 1.35
if ( version_compare( MW_VERSION, '1.36', '<' ) ) {
$data += [
'data-logos' => $logos->getLogoData(),
'html-user-message' => $newTalksHtml ?
Html::rawElement( 'div', [ 'class' => 'usermessage' ], $newTalksHtml ) : null,
'link-mainpage' => $title->newMainPage()->getLocalUrl(),
foreach ( $this->options['messages'] ?? [] as $message ) {
$data["msg-{$message}"] = $this->msg( $message )->text();
$data += [
// Booleans
'toc-enabled' => $out->isTOCEnabled(),
// Data objects
'data-header' => [
'data-drawer' => $drawer->getDrawerTemplateData(),
'data-notifications' => $header->getNotifications(),
'data-personal-menu' => $header->buildPersonalMenu(),
'data-search-box' => $header->buildSearchProps(),
'data-pagetools' => $tools->buildPageTools( $parentData ),
'data-citizen-footer' => $footer->getFooterData(),
// HTML strings
'html-title-heading--formatted' => $pageTitle->buildTitle( $parentData, $title ),
'html-citizen-jumptotop' => $this->msg( 'citizen-jumptotop' )->text() . ' [home]',
'html-body-content--formatted' => $bodycontent->buildBodyContent(),
'html-tagline' => $tagline->getTagline(),
return array_merge( $parentData, $data );
* Change access to public, as it is used in partials
* @return array
final public function buildPersonalUrlsPublic() {
return parent::buildPersonalUrls();
* Change access to public, as it is used in partials
* @return array
final public function getFooterLinksPublic() {
return parent::getFooterLinks();
* Change access to public, as it is used in partials
* @return array
final public function getFooterIconsPublic() {
return parent::getFooterIcons();
* @inheritDoc
protected function runOnSkinTemplateNavigationHooks( $skin, &$contentNavigationUrls ) {
parent::runOnSkinTemplateNavigationHooks( $skin, $contentNavigationUrls );
// There are some SkinTemplate modifications that occur after the execution of this hook
// to add rel attributes and ID attributes.
// The only one Minerva needs is this one so we manually add it.
foreach ( array_keys( $contentNavigationUrls['namespaces'] ) as $id ) {
if ( in_array( $id, [ 'user_talk', 'talk' ] ) ) {
$contentNavigationUrls['namespaces'][ $id ]['rel'] = 'discussion';
$this->contentNavigationUrls = $contentNavigationUrls;
* Change access to public, as it is used in partials
* @return array
final public function buildContentNavigationUrlsPublic() {
if ( !method_exists( parent::class, 'runOnSkinTemplateNavigationHooks' ) ) {
// Support for MediaWiki versions < 1.37
return parent::buildContentNavigationUrls();
} else {
// Works with mediawiki version >= 1.37
return $this->contentNavigationUrls;
* Change access to public, as it is used in partials
* @param Title $title
* @param string $html body text
* @return string
final public function wrapHTMLPublic( $title, $html ) {
return parent::wrapHTML( $title, $html );
* Polyfill for 1.35 from SkinTemplate
* @since 1.36
* @stable for overriding
* @param string $name of the portal e.g. p-personal the name is personal.
* @param array $items that are accepted input to Skin::makeListItem
* @return array data that can be passed to a Mustache template that
* represents a single menu.
public function getPortletData( $name, array $items ) {
// Monobook and Vector historically render this portal as an element with ID p-cactions
// This inconsistency is regretful from a code point of view
// However this ensures compatibility with gadgets.
// In future we should port p-#cactions to #p-actions and drop this rename.
if ( $name === 'actions' ) {
$name = 'cactions';
// user-menu is the new personal tools, without the notifications.
// A lot of user code and gadgets relies on it being named personal.
// This allows it to function as a drop-in replacement.
if ( $name === 'user-menu' ) {
$name = 'personal';
$legacyClasses = '';
if ( $name === 'category-normal' ) {
// retain historic category IDs and classes
$id = 'mw-normal-catlinks';
$legacyClasses .= ' mw-normal-catlinks';
} elseif ( $name === 'category-hidden' ) {
// retain historic category IDs and classes
$id = 'mw-hidden-catlinks';
$legacyClasses .= ' mw-hidden-catlinks mw-hidden-cats-hidden';
} else {
$id = Sanitizer::escapeIdForAttribute( "p-$name" );
$data = [
'id' => $id,
'class' => 'mw-portlet ' . Sanitizer::escapeClass( "mw-portlet-$name" ) . $legacyClasses,
'html-tooltip' => Linker::tooltip( $id ),
'html-items' => '',
// Will be populated by SkinAfterPortlet hook.
'html-after-portal' => '',
'html-before-portal' => '',
// Run the SkinAfterPortlet
// hook and if content is added appends it to the html-after-portal
// for output.
// Currently in production this supports the wikibase 'edit' link.
$content = $this->getAfterPortlet( $name );
if ( $content !== '' ) {
$data['html-after-portal'] = Html::rawElement(
'class' => [
Sanitizer::escapeClass( "after-portlet-$name" ),
foreach ( $items as $key => $item ) {
$data['html-items'] .= $this->makeListItem( $key, $item );
$data['label'] = $this->getPortletLabel( $name );
$data['is-empty'] = count( $items ) === 0 && $content === '';
$data['class'] .= $data['is-empty'] ? ' emptyPortlet' : '';
return $data;
* Polyfill for 1.35 from SkinTemplate
* @since 1.36
* @param string $name of the portal e.g. p-personal the name is personal.
* @return string that is human readable corresponding to the menu
public function getPortletLabel( $name ) {
// For historic reasons for some menu items,
// there is no language key corresponding with its menu key.
$mappings = [
'tb' => 'toolbox',
'personal' => 'personaltools',
'lang' => 'otherlanguages',
$msgObj = $this->msg( $mappings[ $name ] ?? $name );
// If no message exists fallback to plain text (T252727)
$labelText = $msgObj->exists() ? $msgObj->text() : $name;
return $labelText;
* @inheritDoc
* Manually disable some site-wide tools in TOOLBOX
* They are re-added in the drawer
* TODO: Remove this hack when Desktop Improvements separate page and site tools
* @return array
protected function buildNavUrls() {
$urls = parent::buildNavUrls();
$urls['upload'] = false;
$urls['specialpages'] = false;
return $urls;
* Returns the javascript entry modules to load. Only modules that need to
* be overriden or added conditionally should be placed here.
* @return array
public function getDefaultModules() {
$modules = parent::getDefaultModules();
$modules['content'] = array_diff( $modules['content'], [
// Citizen provides its own implementation. Loading this will break display.
] );
return $modules;
* Set up optional skin features
* @param array &$options
private function buildSkinFeatures( array &$options ) {
$out = $this->getOutput();
$title = $out->getTitle();
$metadata = new Metadata( $this );
$skinTheme = new Theme( $this );
// Add metadata
// Add theme handler
$skinTheme->setSkinTheme( $options );
// Collapsible sections
// Load in content pages
if ( $title !== null && $title->isContentPage() ) {
// Load Citizen collapsible sections modules if enabled
if ( $this->getConfigValue( 'CitizenEnableCollapsibleSections' ) === true ) {
$options['scripts'][] = 'skins.citizen.scripts.sections';
$options['styles'][] = 'skins.citizen.styles.sections';
$options['styles'][] = 'skins.citizen.icons.sections';
// Table of content highlight
$options['styles'][] = 'skins.citizen.styles.toc';
// CJK fonts
if ( $this->getConfigValue( 'CitizenEnableCJKFonts' ) === true ) {
$options['styles'][] = 'skins.citizen.styles.fonts.cjk';
// Drawer sitestats
if ( $this->getConfigValue( 'CitizenEnableDrawerSiteStats' ) === true ) {
$options['styles'][] = 'skins.citizen.styles.sitestats';
// Drawer subsearch
if ( $this->getConfigValue( 'CitizenEnableDrawerSubSearch' ) === true ) {
$options['scripts'][] = 'skins.citizen.scripts.drawer';
// Debug styles
if (
$this->getConfigValue( 'ShowDebug' ) === true
|| $this->getConfigValue( 'ShowExceptionDetails' ) === true
) {
$options['styles'][] = 'skins.citizen.styles.debug';