alistair3149 bd71ac747b
fix(core): 🐛 use CSS calc instead of LESS calculation
It seems that there are some changes in the LESS parser in MW 1.43that breaks some
of the existing LESS calculation.

This should also fix #957
2024-10-16 15:04:39 -04:00

148 lines
3.8 KiB

* Citizen - CSS variables
@import '../../variables.less';
* Base theme
:root {
--font-grade: 0;
/* Foreground Colors */
--color-syntax-red: @color-syntax-red;
--color-syntax-orange: @color-syntax-orange;
--color-syntax-yellow: @color-syntax-yellow;
--color-syntax-green: @color-syntax-green;
--color-syntax-cyan: @color-syntax-cyan;
--color-syntax-blue: @color-syntax-blue;
--color-syntax-paleblue: @color-syntax-paleblue;
--color-syntax-purple: @color-syntax-purple;
--color-syntax-brown: @color-syntax-brown;
--color-syntax-pink: @color-syntax-pink;
--color-syntax-violet: @color-syntax-violet;
--color-syntax-grey: @color-syntax-grey;
/* Size */
--size-icon: @size-icon;
/* Fonts */
--font-family-base: @font-family-base;
--font-family-serif: @font-family-serif;
--font-family-monospace: @font-family-monospace;
--font-family-citizen-base: 'Roboto';
--font-family-citizen-serif: 'Roboto Serif';
--font-family-citizen-monospace: 'Roboto Mono';
--font-family-language-base: '';
--font-family-language-serif: '';
--font-family-language-monospace: '';
--font-weight-normal: 400;
--font-weight-medium: ~'calc( var( --font-weight-normal ) + 100)';
--font-weight-semibold: ~'calc( var( --font-weight-normal ) + 200)';
--font-weight-bold: ~'calc( var( --font-weight-normal ) + 300)';
/* Transitions */
--transition-hover: @transition-hover;
/* Filter */
--filter-invert-primary: invert( 1 ) hue-rotate( 180deg );
--filter-invert-fixed: invert( 1 ) hue-rotate( 180deg );
--overflow-gradient-size: 2rem;
html {
/* Size */
--header-size: @header-size;
--header-card-maxheight: 80vh;
--width-layout: @width-layout;
--width-layout--extended: ~'calc( var( --width-layout ) * 1.5 )';
--width-toc: @width-toc;
--line-height: @line-height-md;
--line-height-xs: @line-height-xs;
--line-height-sm: @line-height-sm;
--toolbar-size: 2.5rem;
/* Spacing */
--space-unit: @space-unit;
--space-xxs: ~'calc( 0.25 * var( --space-unit ) )';
--space-xs: ~'calc( 0.5 * var( --space-unit ) )';
--space-sm: ~'calc( 0.75 * var( --space-unit ) )';
--space-md: ~'var( --space-unit )';
--space-lg: ~'calc( 1.25 * var( --space-unit ) )';
--space-xl: ~'calc( 1.5 * var( --space-unit ) )';
--space-xxl: ~'calc( 2 * var( --space-unit ) )';
/* Margin */
--margin-layout: ~'calc( ( 100vw - var( --width-layout ) ) / 2 )';
/* Padding */
--padding-page: @padding-page;
:lang( ja ),
:lang( ko ),
:lang( zh ) {
/* CJK languages need increased line-height for readability */
--line-height: 1.75;
.theme-dark-old() {
--color-syntax-red: @color-syntax-red-dark;
--color-syntax-orange: @color-syntax-orange-dark;
--color-syntax-yellow: @color-syntax-yellow-dark;
--color-syntax-green: @color-syntax-green-dark;
--color-syntax-cyan: @color-syntax-cyan-dark;
--color-syntax-blue: @color-syntax-blue-dark;
--color-syntax-paleblue: @color-syntax-paleblue-dark;
--color-syntax-purple: @color-syntax-purple-dark;
--color-syntax-brown: @color-syntax-brown-dark;
--color-syntax-pink: @color-syntax-pink-dark;
--color-syntax-violet: @color-syntax-violet-dark;
* Dark theme
*/ {
@media ( prefers-color-scheme: dark ) { {
@media ( min-width: @min-width-breakpoint-tablet ) {
html {
--padding-page: ~'calc( @{padding-page} * 1.5 )';
@media ( min-width: @min-width-breakpoint-desktop ) {
html {
--padding-page: ~'calc( @{padding-page} * 2 )';
--header-card-maxheight: ~'calc( 100vh - var( --space-sm ) * 2 )';
@media ( prefers-contrast: more ) {
:root {
--font-weight-normal: 500;
@media ( prefers-contrast: less ) {
:root {
--font-weight-normal: 300;
.citizen-animations-ready {
/* Only apply transition when page is ready for it */
--transition-menu: @transition-menu;