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* Citizen - A responsive skin developed for the Star Citizen Wiki
* This file is part of Citizen.
* Citizen is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Citizen is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Citizen. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* @file
* @ingroup Skins
use MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices;
* BaseTemplate class for the Citizen skin
* @ingroup Skins
class CitizenTemplate extends BaseTemplate {
/** @var array of alternate message keys for menu labels */
private const MENU_LABEL_KEYS = [
'tb' => 'toolbox',
'personal' => 'personaltools',
'lang' => 'otherlanguages',
* Outputs the entire contents of the page
public function execute() {
// Naming conventions for Mustache parameters:
// - Prefix "is" for boolean values.
// - Prefix "msg-" for interface messages.
// - Prefix "html-" for raw HTML (in front of other keys, if applicable).
// - Prefix "data-" for an array of template parameters that should be passed directly
// to a template partial.
// - Prefix "array-" for lists of any values.
// Source of value (first or second segment)
// - Segment "page-" for data relating to the current page (e.g. Title, WikiPage, or OutputPage).
// - Segment "hook-" for any thing generated from a hook.
// It should be followed by the name of the hook in hyphenated lowercase.
// Conditionally used values must use null to indicate absence (not false or '').
$params = [
'html-headelement' => $this->get( 'headelement', '' ),
'msg-sitetitle' => $this->getMsg( 'sitetitle' )->text(),
'html-mainpage-attributes' => Xml::expandAttributes(
Linker::tooltipAndAccesskeyAttribs( 'p-logo' ) + [
'href' => Skin::makeMainPageUrl(),
'data-header' => [
'data-drawer' => $this->buildDrawer(),
'data-extratools' => $this->getExtraTools(),
'data-searchbox' => $this->buildSearchbox(),
'html-sitenotice' => $this->get( 'sitenotice', null ),
'html-indicators' => $this->getIndicators(),
'data-pagetools' => $this->buildPageTools(),
// From Skin::getNewtalks(). Always returns string, cast to null if empty
'html-newtalk' => $this->get( 'newtalk', '' ) ?: null,
'page-langcode' => $this->getSkin()->getTitle()->getPageViewLanguage()->getHtmlCode(),
// Remember that the string '0' is a valid title.
// From OutputPage::getPageTitle, via ::setPageTitle().
'html-title' => $this->get( 'title', '' ),
'html-prebodyhtml' => $this->get( 'prebodyhtml', '' ),
'msg-tagline' => $this->getMsg( 'tagline' )->text(),
// TODO: mediawiki/SkinTemplate should expose langCode and langDir properly.
'html-userlangattributes' => $this->get( 'userlangattributes', '' ),
// From OutputPage::getSubtitle()
'html-subtitle' => $this->get( 'subtitle', '' ),
// TODO: Use directly Skin::getUndeleteLink() directly.
// Always returns string, cast to null if empty.
'html-undelete' => $this->get( 'undelete', null ) ?: null,
// Result of OutputPage::addHTML calls
'html-bodycontent' => $this->get( 'bodycontent' ),
'html-printfooter' => $this->get( 'printfooter', null ),
'data-pagelinks' => $this->buildPageLinks(),
'html-catlinks' => $this->get( 'catlinks', '' ),
'html-dataAfterContent' => $this->get( 'dataAfterContent', '' ),
// From MWDebug::getHTMLDebugLog (when $wgShowDebug is enabled)
'html-debuglog' => $this->get( 'debughtml', '' ),
// From BaseTemplate::getTrail (handles bottom JavaScript)
'html-printtail' => $this->getTrail() . '</body></html>',
'data-footer' => [
'html-userlangattributes' => $this->get( 'userlangattributes', '' ),
'html-lastmodified' => $this->getLastMod(),
'msg-sitetitle' => $this->getMsg( 'sitetitle' )->text(),
'msg-citizen-footer-desc' => $this->getMsg( 'citizen-footer-desc' )->text(),
'array-footer-rows' => $this->getFooterRows(),
'msg-citizen-footer-tagline' => $this->getMsg( 'citizen-footer-tagline' )->text(),
'array-footer-icons' => $this->getFooterIconsRow(),
// Prepare and output the HTML response
$templates = new TemplateParser( __DIR__ . '/templates' );
echo $templates->processTemplate( 'skin', $params );
* Render the navigation drawer
* Based on Vector (be3843e)
* @return array
private function buildDrawer() : array {
$skin = $this->getSkin();
$portals = $skin->buildSidebar();
$props = [];
// Render portals
foreach ( $portals as $name => $content ) {
if ( $content === false ) {
// Numeric strings gets an integer when set as key, cast back - T73639
$name = (string)$name;
switch ( $name ) {
case 'SEARCH':
case 'TOOLBOX':
$portal = $this->getMenuData( 'tb', $this->getToolbox() );
$props[] = $portal;
$languages = $skin->getLanguages();
$portal = $this->getMenuData( 'lang', $languages );
// The language portal will be added provided either
// languages exist or there is a value in html-after-portal
// for example to show the add language wikidata link (T252800)
if ( count( $languages ) || $portal['html-after-portal'] ) {
$props[] = $portal;
// Historically some portals have been defined using HTML rather than arrays.
// Let's move away from that to a uniform definition.
if ( !is_array( $content ) ) {
$html = $content;
$content = [];
"`content` field in portal $name must be array."
. "Previously it could be a string but this is no longer supported.",
} else {
$html = false;
$portal = $this->getMenuData( $name, $content );
if ( $html ) {
$portal['html-items'] .= $html;
$props[] = $portal;
$firstPortal = $props[0] ?? null;
if ( $firstPortal ) {
$firstPortal[ 'class' ] .= ' portal-first';
// Hide label for first portal
$firstPortal[ 'label-class' ] .= 'screen-reader-text';
$personalTools = $this->getPersonalTools();
// Move the Echo badges and ULS out of default list
if ( isset( $personalTools['notifications-alert'] ) ) {
unset( $personalTools['notifications-alert'] );
if ( isset( $personalTools['notifications-notice'] ) ) {
unset( $personalTools['notifications-notice'] );
if ( isset( $personalTools['uls'] ) ) {
unset( $personalTools['uls'] );
$personalToolsPortal = $this->getMenuData( 'personal', $personalTools );
// Hide label for personal tools
$personalToolsPortal[ 'label-class' ] .= 'screen-reader-text';
return [
'msg-citizen-drawer-toggle' => $this->getMsg( 'citizen-drawer-toggle' )->text(),
'data-logo' => $this->buildLogo(),
'data-portals-first' => $firstPortal,
'array-portals-rest' => array_slice( $props, 1 ),
'data-personal-menu' => $personalToolsPortal,
* Render the logo
* TODO: Use standardize classes and IDs
* TODO: Rebuild icon function based on Desktop Improvement Project
* @return array
private function buildLogo() : array {
$props = [
'msg-sitetitle' => $this->getMsg( 'sitetitle' )->text(),
'html-mainpage-attributes' => Xml::expandAttributes(
Linker::tooltipAndAccesskeyAttribs( 'p-logo' ) + [
'href' => Skin::makeMainPageUrl(),
return $props;
* Echo notification badges and ULS button
* @return array
private function getExtratools() {
$personalTools = $this->getPersonalTools();
// Create the Echo badges and ULS
$extraTools = [];
if ( isset( $personalTools['notifications-alert'] ) ) {
$extraTools['notifications-alert'] = $personalTools['notifications-alert'];
if ( isset( $personalTools['notifications-notice'] ) ) {
$extraTools['notifications-notice'] = $personalTools['notifications-notice'];
if ( isset( $personalTools['uls'] ) ) {
$extraTools['uls'] = $personalTools['uls'];
$html = $this->getMenuData( 'personal-extra', $extraTools );
// Hide label for extra tools
$html[ 'label-class' ] .= 'screen-reader-text';
return $html;
* Render the search box
* TODO: Use standardized classes and IDs
* @return array
private function buildSearchbox() : array {
$config = $this->config;
$toggleMsg = $this->getMsg( 'citizen-search-toggle' )->text();
$accessKey = Linker::accesskey( 'search' );
$props = [
'msg-citizen-search-toggle' => $toggleMsg,
'msg-citizen-search-toggle-shortcut' => $toggleMsg . ' [alt-shift-' . $accessKey . ']',
'form-action' => $config->get( 'Script' ),
'html-input' => $this->makeSearchInput( [ 'id' => 'searchInput' ] ),
'msg-search' => $this->getMsg( 'search' )->text(),
'page-title' => SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Search' )->getPrefixedDBkey(),
'html-random-href' => Skin::makeSpecialUrl( 'Randompage' ),
'msg-random' => $this->getMsg( 'Randompage' )->text(),
return $props;
* Render page-related tools
* Possible visibility conditions:
* * true: always visible (bool)
* * false: never visible (bool)
* * 'login': only visible if logged in (string)
* * 'permission-*': only visible if user has permission
* e.g. permission-edit = only visible if user can edit pages
* @return string html
protected function buildPageTools() {
$config = $this->config;
$skin = $this->getSkin();
$condition = $config->get( 'CitizenShowPageTools' );
$contentNavigation = $this->data['content_navigation'];
$props = [];
// Login-based condition, return true if condition is met
if ( $condition === 'login' ) {
$condition = $skin->getUser()->isLoggedIn();
// Permission-based condition, return true if condition is met
if ( is_string( $condition ) && strpos( $condition, 'permission' ) === 0 ) {
$permission = substr( $condition, 11 );
try {
$condition = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getPermissionManager()->userCan(
$permission, $skin->getUser(), $skin->getTitle() );
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
$condition = false;
if ( $condition === true ) {
$actionhtml = $this->getMenuData( 'views', $contentNavigation[ 'views' ] ?? [] );
$actionmorehtml = $this->getMenuData( 'actions', $contentNavigation[ 'actions' ] ?? [] );
if ( $actionhtml ) {
$actionhtml[ 'label-class' ] .= 'screen-reader-text';
if ( $actionmorehtml ) {
$actionmorehtml[ 'label-class' ] .= 'screen-reader-text';
$props = [
'data-page-actions' => $actionhtml,
'data-page-actions-more' => $actionmorehtml,
return $props;
* Render page-related links at the bottom
* @return string html
private function buildPageLinks() : array {
$contentNavigation = $this->data['content_navigation'];
$namespaceshtml = $this->getMenuData( 'namespaces', $contentNavigation[ 'namespaces' ] ?? [] );
$variantshtml = $this->getMenuData( 'variants', $contentNavigation[ 'variants' ] ?? [] );
if ( $namespaceshtml ) {
$namespaceshtml[ 'label-class' ] .= 'screen-reader-text';
if ( $variantshtml ) {
$variantshtml[ 'label-class' ] .= 'screen-reader-text';
$props = [
'data-namespaces' => $namespaceshtml,
'data-variants' => $variantshtml,
return $props;
* Get last modified message
* @return string html
private function getLastMod() {
$lastMod = null;
$footerLinks = $this->getFooterLinks();
if ( isset( $footerLinks['info'] ) ) {
if ( in_array( 'lastmod', $footerLinks['info'] ) ) {
$key = array_search( 'lastmod', $footerLinks['info'] );
$lastMod = $this->get( $footerLinks['info'][$key], '' );
return $lastMod;
* Get rows that make up the footer
* @return array for use in Mustache template describing the footer elements.
private function getFooterRows() : array {
$footerRows = [];
$footerLinks = $this->getFooterLinks();
foreach ( $footerLinks as $category => $links ) {
$items = [];
$rowId = "footer-$category";
// Unset footer-info
if ( $category !== 'info' ) {
foreach ( $links as $link ) {
$items[] = [
'id' => "$rowId-$link",
'html' => $this->get( $link, '' ),
$footerRows[] = [
'id' => $rowId,
'className' => '',
'array-items' => $items
// Append footer-info after links
if ( isset( $footerLinks['info'] ) ) {
$items = [];
$rowId = "footer-info";
foreach ( $footerLinks['info'] as $link ) {
// Unset lastmod from footer link
if ( $link !== 'lastmod' ) {
$items[] = [
'id' => "$rowId-$link",
'html' => $this->get( $link, '' ),
$footerRows[] = [
'id' => $rowId,
'className' => '',
'array-items' => $items
return $footerRows;
* Get footer icons
* @return array for use in Mustache template describing the footer icons.
private function getFooterIconsRow() : array {
$footerRows = [];
// If footer icons are enabled append to the end of the rows
$footerIcons = $this->getFooterIcons( 'icononly' );
if ( count( $footerIcons ) > 0 ) {
$items = [];
foreach ( $footerIcons as $blockName => $blockIcons ) {
$html = '';
foreach ( $blockIcons as $icon ) {
$html .= $this->getSkin()->makeFooterIcon( $icon );
$items[] = [
'id' => 'footer-' . htmlspecialchars( $blockName ) . 'ico',
'html' => $html,
$footerRows[] = [
'id' => 'footer-icons',
'className' => 'noprint',
'array-items' => $items,
return $footerRows;
* @param string $label to be used to derive the id and human readable label of the menu
* If the key has an entry in the constant MENU_LABEL_KEYS then that message will be used for the
* human readable text instead.
* @param array $urls to convert to list items stored as string in html-items key
* @param array $options (optional) to be passed to makeListItem
* @return array
private function getMenuData(
string $label,
array $urls = [],
array $options = []
) : array {
// For some menu items, there is no language key corresponding with its menu key.
// These inconsitencies are captured in MENU_LABEL_KEYS
$msgObj = $this->getMsg( self::MENU_LABEL_KEYS[ $label ] ?? $label );
$props = [
'id' => "p-$label",
'label-class' => null,
'label-id' => "p-{$label}-label",
// If no message exists fallback to plain text (T252727)
'label' => $msgObj->exists() ? $msgObj->text() : $label,
'html-items' => '',
'html-tooltip' => Linker::tooltip( 'p-' . $label ),
foreach ( $urls as $key => $item ) {
$props['html-items'] .= $this->makeListItem( $key, $item, $options );
$props['html-after-portal'] = $this->getAfterPortlet( $label );
// Mark the portal as empty if it has no content
$class = ( count( $urls ) == 0 && !$props['html-after-portal'] )
? ' mw-portal-empty' : '';
$props['class'] = $class;
return $props;