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synced 2024-12-19 01:31:37 +00:00
1.35 seems to not like relative path inside skin.json
394 lines
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394 lines
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* Citizen - A responsive skin developed for the Star Citizen Wiki
* This file is part of Citizen.
* Citizen is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Citizen is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Citizen. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* @file
* @ingroup Skins
namespace MediaWiki\Skins\Citizen;
use Html;
use Linker;
use MediaWiki\Skins\Citizen\Partials\BodyContent;
use MediaWiki\Skins\Citizen\Partials\Drawer;
use MediaWiki\Skins\Citizen\Partials\Footer;
use MediaWiki\Skins\Citizen\Partials\Header;
use MediaWiki\Skins\Citizen\Partials\Logos;
use MediaWiki\Skins\Citizen\Partials\Metadata;
use MediaWiki\Skins\Citizen\Partials\PageTools;
use MediaWiki\Skins\Citizen\Partials\Tagline;
use MediaWiki\Skins\Citizen\Partials\Theme;
use MediaWiki\Skins\Citizen\Partials\Title;
use Sanitizer;
use SkinMustache;
* Skin subclass for Citizen
* @ingroup Skins
class SkinCitizen extends SkinMustache {
use GetConfigTrait;
* @var array|null
private $contentNavigationUrls;
* Overrides template, styles and scripts module
* @inheritDoc
public function __construct( $options = [] ) {
// Add skin-specific features
$this->buildSkinFeatures( $options );
// Can't use templateDirectory inside skin.json
// Relative path does not work well with 1.35
// TODO: Replace with templateDirectory when 1.39
$options['templateDirectory'] = dirname( __DIR__, 1 ) . '/templates';
parent::__construct( $options );
* @return array Returns an array of data used by Citizen skin.
* @throws MWException
public function getTemplateData(): array {
$data = [];
$out = $this->getOutput();
$title = $out->getTitle();
$parentData = parent::getTemplateData();
$header = new Header( $this );
$logos = new Logos( $this );
$drawer = new Drawer( $this );
$pageTitle = new Title( $this );
$tagline = new Tagline( $this );
$bodycontent = new BodyContent( $this );
$footer = new Footer( $this );
$tools = new PageTools( $this );
// Naming conventions for Mustache parameters.
// Value type (first segment):
// - Prefix "is" or "has" for boolean values.
// - Prefix "msg-" for interface message text.
// - Prefix "html-" for raw HTML.
// - Prefix "data-" for an array of template parameters that should be passed directly
// to a template partial.
// - Prefix "array-" for lists of any values.
// Source of value (first or second segment)
// - Segment "page-" for data relating to the current page (e.g. Title, WikiPage, or OutputPage).
// - Segment "hook-" for any thing generated from a hook.
// It should be followed by the name of the hook in hyphenated lowercase.
// Conditionally used values must use null to indicate absence (not false or '').
$newTalksHtml = $this->getNewtalks() ?: null;
// Polyfill for 1.35
if ( version_compare( MW_VERSION, '1.36', '<' ) ) {
$data += [
'data-logos' => $logos->getLogoData(),
'html-user-message' => $newTalksHtml ?
Html::rawElement( 'div', [ 'class' => 'usermessage' ], $newTalksHtml ) : null,
'link-mainpage' => $title->newMainPage()->getLocalUrl(),
foreach ( $this->options['messages'] ?? [] as $message ) {
$data["msg-{$message}"] = $this->msg( $message )->text();
$data += [
// Booleans
'toc-enabled' => $out->isTOCEnabled(),
// Data objects
'data-header' => [
'data-drawer' => $drawer->getDrawerTemplateData(),
'data-notifications' => $header->getNotifications(),
'data-personal-menu' => $header->buildPersonalMenu(),
'data-search-box' => $header->buildSearchProps(),
'html-citizen-jumptotop' => $this->msg( 'citizen-jumptotop' )->text() . ' [home]',
'data-pagetools' => $tools->buildPageTools( $parentData ),
'data-citizen-footer' => $footer->getFooterData(),
// HTML strings
'html-title-heading--formatted' => $pageTitle->buildTitle( $parentData, $title ),
'html-body-content--formatted' => $bodycontent->buildBodyContent(),
'html-tagline' => $tagline->getTagline(),
return array_merge( $parentData, $data );
* Change access to public, as it is used in partials
* @return array
final public function buildPersonalUrlsPublic() {
return parent::buildPersonalUrls();
* Change access to public, as it is used in partials
* @return array
final public function getFooterLinksPublic() {
return parent::getFooterLinks();
* Change access to public, as it is used in partials
* @return array
final public function getFooterIconsPublic() {
return parent::getFooterIcons();
* @inheritDoc
protected function runOnSkinTemplateNavigationHooks( $skin, &$contentNavigationUrls ) {
parent::runOnSkinTemplateNavigationHooks( $skin, $contentNavigationUrls );
// There are some SkinTemplate modifications that occur after the execution of this hook
// to add rel attributes and ID attributes.
// The only one Minerva needs is this one so we manually add it.
foreach ( array_keys( $contentNavigationUrls['namespaces'] ) as $id ) {
if ( in_array( $id, [ 'user_talk', 'talk' ] ) ) {
$contentNavigationUrls['namespaces'][ $id ]['rel'] = 'discussion';
$this->contentNavigationUrls = $contentNavigationUrls;
* Change access to public, as it is used in partials
* @return array
final public function buildContentNavigationUrlsPublic() {
if ( !method_exists( parent::class, 'runOnSkinTemplateNavigationHooks' ) ) {
// Support for MediaWiki versions < 1.37
return parent::buildContentNavigationUrls();
} else {
// Works with mediawiki version >= 1.37
return $this->contentNavigationUrls;
* Change access to public, as it is used in partials
* @param Title $title
* @param string $html body text
* @return string
final public function wrapHTMLPublic( $title, $html ) {
return parent::wrapHTML( $title, $html );
* Polyfill for 1.35 from SkinTemplate
* @since 1.36
* @stable for overriding
* @param string $name of the portal e.g. p-personal the name is personal.
* @param array $items that are accepted input to Skin::makeListItem
* @return array data that can be passed to a Mustache template that
* represents a single menu.
public function getPortletData( $name, array $items ) {
// Monobook and Vector historically render this portal as an element with ID p-cactions
// This inconsistency is regretful from a code point of view
// However this ensures compatibility with gadgets.
// In future we should port p-#cactions to #p-actions and drop this rename.
if ( $name === 'actions' ) {
$name = 'cactions';
// user-menu is the new personal tools, without the notifications.
// A lot of user code and gadgets relies on it being named personal.
// This allows it to function as a drop-in replacement.
if ( $name === 'user-menu' ) {
$name = 'personal';
$legacyClasses = '';
if ( $name === 'category-normal' ) {
// retain historic category IDs and classes
$id = 'mw-normal-catlinks';
$legacyClasses .= ' mw-normal-catlinks';
} elseif ( $name === 'category-hidden' ) {
// retain historic category IDs and classes
$id = 'mw-hidden-catlinks';
$legacyClasses .= ' mw-hidden-catlinks mw-hidden-cats-hidden';
} else {
$id = Sanitizer::escapeIdForAttribute( "p-$name" );
$data = [
'id' => $id,
'class' => 'mw-portlet ' . Sanitizer::escapeClass( "mw-portlet-$name" ) . $legacyClasses,
'html-tooltip' => Linker::tooltip( $id ),
'html-items' => '',
// Will be populated by SkinAfterPortlet hook.
'html-after-portal' => '',
'html-before-portal' => '',
// Run the SkinAfterPortlet
// hook and if content is added appends it to the html-after-portal
// for output.
// Currently in production this supports the wikibase 'edit' link.
$content = $this->getAfterPortlet( $name );
if ( $content !== '' ) {
$data['html-after-portal'] = Html::rawElement(
'class' => [
Sanitizer::escapeClass( "after-portlet-$name" ),
foreach ( $items as $key => $item ) {
$data['html-items'] .= $this->makeListItem( $key, $item );
$data['label'] = $this->getPortletLabel( $name );
$data['is-empty'] = count( $items ) === 0 && $content === '';
$data['class'] .= $data['is-empty'] ? ' emptyPortlet' : '';
return $data;
* Polyfill for 1.35 from SkinTemplate
* @since 1.36
* @param string $name of the portal e.g. p-personal the name is personal.
* @return string that is human readable corresponding to the menu
public function getPortletLabel( $name ) {
// For historic reasons for some menu items,
// there is no language key corresponding with its menu key.
$mappings = [
'tb' => 'toolbox',
'personal' => 'personaltools',
'lang' => 'otherlanguages',
$msgObj = $this->msg( $mappings[ $name ] ?? $name );
// If no message exists fallback to plain text (T252727)
$labelText = $msgObj->exists() ? $msgObj->text() : $name;
return $labelText;
* @inheritDoc
* Manually disable some site-wide tools in TOOLBOX
* They are re-added in the drawer
* TODO: Remove this hack when Desktop Improvements separate page and site tools
* @return array
protected function buildNavUrls() {
$urls = parent::buildNavUrls();
$urls['upload'] = false;
$urls['specialpages'] = false;
return $urls;
* Returns the javascript entry modules to load. Only modules that need to
* be overriden or added conditionally should be placed here.
* @return array
public function getDefaultModules() {
$modules = parent::getDefaultModules();
$modules['content'] = array_diff( $modules['content'], [
// Citizen provides its own implementation. Loading this will break display.
] );
return $modules;
* Set up optional skin features
* @param array &$options
private function buildSkinFeatures( array &$options ) {
$out = $this->getOutput();
$title = $out->getTitle();
$metadata = new Metadata( $this );
$skinTheme = new Theme( $this );
// Add metadata
// Add theme handler
$skinTheme->setSkinTheme( $options );
// Collapsible sections
// Load in content pages
if ( $title !== null && $title->isContentPage() ) {
// Load Citizen collapsible sections modules if enabled
if ( $this->getConfigValue( 'CitizenEnableCollapsibleSections' ) === true ) {
$options['scripts'][] = 'skins.citizen.scripts.sections';
$options['styles'][] = 'skins.citizen.styles.sections';
$options['styles'][] = 'skins.citizen.icons.sections';
// Table of content highlight
$options['styles'][] = 'skins.citizen.styles.toc';
// Drawer sitestats
if ( $this->getConfigValue( 'CitizenEnableDrawerSiteStats' ) === true ) {
$options['styles'][] = 'skins.citizen.styles.sitestats';
// Drawer subsearch
if ( $this->getConfigValue( 'CitizenEnableDrawerSubSearch' ) === true ) {
$options['scripts'][] = 'skins.citizen.scripts.drawer';
// Debug styles
if (
$this->getConfigValue( 'ShowDebug' ) === true
|| $this->getConfigValue( 'ShowExceptionDetails' ) === true
) {
$options['styles'][] = 'skins.citizen.styles.debug';