alistair3149 37732ea6a9
Partial Mustache refactor (#113)
Refactor some components into Mustache. With the footer refactor addressed in #75, it should solve most of the incompatibility issues caused by previous hacks used to generate the footer
2020-06-02 02:23:11 -04:00

52 lines
1.5 KiB

@typedef object footerItem
@prop string id of list item element
@prop string html of list item
@prop footerItem[] items
@typedef object footerRow
@prop string className of list element
@prop string id of list element
@prop footerItem[] array-items
string|null html-userlangattributes a string of attribute HTML
footerRow[] array-footer-rows iterable list of footer rows
footerRow[] array-footer-icons iterable list of footer icons
string msg-sitetitle
string msg-citizen-footer-desc
string msg-citizen-footer-tagline
<footer id="footer" role="contentinfo" {{{html-userlangattributes}}}>
<div class="last-modified-bar">
<div class="last-modified-bar-content">
<span class="last-modified-bar-icon"></span>
<span class="last-modified-bar-text">{{{.}}}</span>
<div id="footer-content">
<div id="footer-sitetitle" class="mw-wiki-title">{{{msg-sitetitle}}}</div>
<div id="footer-desc">{{{msg-citizen-footer-desc}}}</div>
<ul id="{{id}}" class="{{className}}">
<li id="{{id}}">{{{html}}}</li>
<div id="footer-bottom">
<div id="footer-bottom-content">
<div id="footer-tagline">{{{msg-citizen-footer-tagline}}}</div>
<ul id="{{id}}" class="{{className}}">
<li id="{{id}}">{{{html}}}</li>