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/** @module smwAskApiSearchClient */
const fetchJson = require( '../fetch.js' );
const urlGenerator = require( '../urlGenerator.js' );
* @typedef {Object} SearchResponse
* @property {string} query
* @property {SearchResult[]} results
* Helper method to get the first string value
* SMW return can be be empty, string, array, undefined, null
* @param {string} s
* @return {string}
function getFirstString( s ) {
if ( s === null || s === undefined || s.length === 0 ) {
return undefined;
if ( typeof s === 'string' ) {
return s;
if ( Array.isArray( s ) ) {
for ( let i = 0; i < s.length; i++ ) {
const result = getFirstString( s[ i ] );
if ( result !== undefined ) {
return result;
return undefined;
* @param {MwMap} config
* @param {string} query
* @param {Object} response
* @param {boolean} showDescription
* @return {SearchResponse}
function adaptApiResponse( config, query, response, showDescription ) {
const urlGeneratorInstance = urlGenerator( config );
const getDescription = ( page ) => getFirstString( page?.printouts?.Description ).slice( 0, 60 );
return {
results: response.query.results.map( ( page ) => {
page = Object.values( page )[ 0 ];
const thumbnail = page.printouts.Page_Image[ 0 ];
return {
id: undefined,
label: getFirstString( page.displaytitle ) || page.fulltext,
key: page.fulltext.replace( / /g, '_' ),
title: page.fulltext,
description: showDescription ? getDescription( page ) : undefined,
url: urlGeneratorInstance.generateUrl( page ),
thumbnail: thumbnail ? {
url: `${ config.wgScriptPath }/index.php?title=Special:Redirect/file/${ thumbnail.fulltext }&width=200&height=200`,
width: 200,
height: 200
} : undefined
} ) ?? []
* @typedef {Object} AbortableSearchFetch
* @property {Promise<SearchResponse>} fetch
* @property {Function} abort
* @callback fetchByTitle
* @param {string} query The search term.
* @param {number} [limit] Maximum number of results.
* @return {AbortableSearchFetch}
* @callback loadMore
* @param {string} query The search term.
* @param {number} offset The number of search results that were already loaded.
* @param {number} [limit] How many further search results to load (at most).
* @return {AbortableSearchFetch}
* @typedef {Object} SearchClient
* @property {fetchByTitle} fetchByTitle
* @property {loadMore} [loadMore]
* @param {MwMap} config
* @return {SearchClient}
function smwAskApiSearchClient( config ) {
return {
* @type {fetchByTitle}
// FIXME: Set showDescription to false for now, the 'Description' key in printout seems to be causing issue
fetchByTitle: ( q, limit = config.wgCitizenMaxSearchResults, showDescription = false ) => {
const searchApiUrl = config.wgScriptPath + '/api.php';
const getConditions = () => {
const separateConditions = ( s ) => s.replace( /\]\]\s*\[\[/g, '|' );
const removeSquareBrackets = ( s ) => s.replace( /\[|\]/g, '' );
const conditions = removeSquareBrackets( separateConditions( q ) );
return conditions;
const getPrintouts = () => {
* FIXME: Figure out how to assign a label to printout statement in askargs
* TODO: Should let user define what property is used for description and thumbnail
const printouts = [
/* Extension:PageImages and Extension:SemanticExtraSpecialProperties */
if ( showDescription === true ) {
/* Extension:Semantic Meta Tags */
printouts.push( 'Description' );
return printouts.join( '|' );
// @see https://www.semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:API:askargs
/* eslint-disable camelcase */
const params = {
format: 'json',
formatversion: '2',
action: 'askargs',
api_version: '3',
conditions: getConditions(),
printouts: getPrintouts(),
parameters: `limit=${ limit.toString() }`
/* eslint-enable camelcase */
const search = new URLSearchParams( params );
const url = `${ searchApiUrl }?${ search.toString() }`;
const result = fetchJson( url, {
headers: {
accept: 'application/json'
} );
const searchResponsePromise = result.fetch
.then( ( /** @type {SMWAskArgResponse} */ res ) => adaptApiResponse( config, q, res, showDescription ) );
return {
abort: result.abort,
fetch: searchResponsePromise
module.exports = smwAskApiSearchClient;