
78 lines
1.7 KiB

.citizen-page-container {
/* Include margin of child elements as part of the height */
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
/* Make page container take the whole page height on short page */
min-height: inherit;
.parsoid-body {
flex-grow: 1;
.citizen-body-container {
display: grid;
// Using auto as min value will cause overflow
grid-template-columns: minmax( 0, var( --width-layout ) );
gap: 0 var( --space-lg );
justify-content: center;
padding: 0 var( --padding-page );
// Bottom margin is added because data-after-content cannot
margin-bottom: var( --space-xl );
.citizen-body {
z-index: @z-index-base; // Stop body content going over sticky header
grid-area: content;
#mw-data-after-content:not( :empty ) {
margin-top: var( --space-xl );
@media ( min-width: @min-width-breakpoint-desktop ) {
.citizen-page-container {
// Reserve space for header
margin-left: var( --header-size );
.citizen-toc-enabled {
.citizen-body-container {
'content sidebar'
'footer footer';
grid-template-columns: minmax( 0, var( --width-layout ) ) var( --width-toc );
.citizen-body-container {
transition-timing-function: var( --transition-timing-function-ease );
transition-duration: var( --transition-duration-medium );
.citizen-page-header-inner {
transition-property: max-width;
.citizen-body-container {
transition-property: grid;
/* Wider page width for certain namespaces */
@media ( min-width: @min-width-breakpoint-desktop-wide ) {
// 1 - Special, 6 - File, 14 - Category
.ns {
&-14 {
--width-layout: var( --width-layout--extended );