alistair3149 53742a0dd2
feat(core): extend page header background to full width
This is needed to get rid of the negative margin sticky header background hack.
Since it looks weird on wikis with background imgae.
2024-10-17 04:10:32 -04:00

70 lines
1.6 KiB

.citizen-page-container {
display: flex; // Should fix weird margin issues
flex-direction: column;
min-height: 100vh; // Ensure footer goes to the bottom of the page
min-height: stretch; // for iOS, excludes safe areas
.parsoid-body {
min-height: 100vh; // avoid footer being in the middle of the page
margin-top: var( --space-xl );
margin-bottom: var( --space-xl );
.citizen-body-container {
display: grid;
// Using auto as min value will cause overflow
grid-template-columns: minmax( 0, var( --width-layout ) );
gap: 0 var( --space-xl );
justify-content: center;
padding: 0 var( --padding-page );
.citizen-body {
z-index: @z-index-base; // Stop body content going over sticky header
grid-area: content;
@media ( min-width: @min-width-breakpoint-desktop ) {
.citizen-page-container {
// Reserve space for header
margin-left: var( --header-size );
.citizen-toc-enabled {
.citizen-body-container {
'header header'
'afterHeader afterHeader'
'content sidebar'
'footer footer';
grid-template-columns: minmax( 0, var( --width-layout ) ) var( --width-toc );
.citizen-animations-ready {
.citizen-body-container {
transition: var( --transition-menu );
transition-property: grid;
/* Wider page width for certain namespaces */
@media ( min-width: @min-width-breakpoint-desktop-wide ) {
// 1 - Special, 6 - File, 14 - Category
.ns {
&-14 {
--width-layout: var( --width-layout--extended );