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synced 2024-12-01 17:36:49 +00:00
Only trigger an update when the character is fully composed. Examples include various CJK IMEs Closes: #608
538 lines
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538 lines
14 KiB
PREFIX = 'citizen-typeahead',
SEARCH_LOADING_CLASS = 'citizen-loading',
ITEM_CLASS = `${PREFIX}__item`,
* Config object from getCitizenSearchResourceLoaderConfig()
const config = require( './config.json' );
const activeIndex = {
index: -1,
max: 0,
setMax: function ( x ) {
this.max = x;
increment: function ( i ) {
this.index += i;
if ( this.index < 0 ) {
this.setIndex( this.max - 1 );
} // Index reaches top
if ( this.index === this.max ) {
this.setIndex( 0 );
} // Index reaches bottom
return this.index;
setIndex: function ( i ) {
if ( i <= this.max - 1 ) {
this.index = i;
return this.index;
clear: function () {
this.setIndex( -1 );
let /** @type {HTMLElement | undefined} */ typeahead;
let /** @type {HTMLElement | undefined} */ searchInput;
let /** @type {HTMLCollection | undefined} */ typeaheadItems;
* @typedef {Object} MenuItemData
* @property {string} id
* @property {string} type
* @property {string} link
* @property {string} icon
* @property {string} thumbnail
* @property {string} title
* @property {string} label
* @property {string} desc
* Retrieve the current list of item elements to update the active index
function updateActiveIndex() {
typeaheadItems = typeahead.querySelectorAll( `.${ITEM_CLASS}` );
activeIndex.setMax( typeaheadItems.length );
* Sets an 'ACTIVE_CLASS' on the element
* @param {HTMLElement} element
function toggleActive( element ) {
for ( let i = 0; i < typeaheadItems.length; i++ ) {
if ( element !== typeaheadItems[ i ] ) {
typeaheadItems[ i ].classList.remove( ACTIVE_CLASS );
} else {
if ( element.classList.contains( ACTIVE_CLASS ) ) {
element.classList.remove( ACTIVE_CLASS );
} else {
element.classList.add( ACTIVE_CLASS );
searchInput.setAttribute( 'aria-activedescendant', element.id );
activeIndex.setIndex( i );
* Keyboard events: up arrow, down arrow and enter.
* moves the 'active' suggestion up and down.
* @param {Event} event
function keyboardEvents( event ) {
if ( event.defaultPrevented ) {
return; // Do nothing if the event was already processed
if ( event.key === 'ArrowDown' || event.key === 'ArrowUp' ) {
if ( event.key === 'ArrowDown' ) {
activeIndex.increment( 1 );
} else {
activeIndex.increment( -1 );
toggleActive( typeaheadItems[ activeIndex.index ] );
if ( typeaheadItems[ activeIndex.index ] ) {
const link = typeaheadItems[ activeIndex.index ].querySelector( `.${PREFIX}__content` );
if ( event.key === 'Enter' && link instanceof HTMLAnchorElement ) {
* Bind mouseenter and mouseleave event to reproduce mouse hover event
* @param {HTMLElement} element
function bindMouseHoverEvent( element ) {
element.addEventListener( 'mouseenter', ( event ) => {
toggleActive( event.currentTarget );
} );
element.addEventListener( 'mouseleave', ( event ) => {
toggleActive( event.currentTarget );
} );
* Remove all existing suggestions from typeahead
function clearSuggestions() {
const typeaheadChildren = typeahead.children;
if ( typeaheadChildren.length > 0 ) {
// Do all the work in document fragment then replace the whole list
// It is more performant this way
fragment = new DocumentFragment(),
template = document.getElementById( `${PREFIX}-template` );
[ ...typeaheadChildren ].forEach( ( item ) => {
if ( !item.classList.contains( `${ITEM_CLASS}-page` ) ) {
fragment.append( item );
} );
fragment.append( template );
typeahead.replaceChildren( fragment );
// Remove loading animation
searchInput.parentNode.classList.remove( SEARCH_LOADING_CLASS );
searchInput.setAttribute( 'aria-activedescendant', '' );
* Fetch suggestions from API and render the suggetions in HTML
* @param {string} searchQuery
* @param {string} htmlSafeSearchQuery
* @param {HTMLElement} placeholder
function getSuggestions( searchQuery, htmlSafeSearchQuery, placeholder ) {
const renderSuggestions = ( results ) => {
if ( results.length > 0 ) {
fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(),
suggestionLinkPrefix = `${config.wgScriptPath}/index.php?title=Special:Search&search=`;
* Return the redirect title with search query highlight
* @param {string} text
* @return {string}
const highlightTitle = ( text ) => {
const regex = new RegExp( mw.util.escapeRegExp( htmlSafeSearchQuery ), 'i' );
return text.replace( regex, `<span class="${PREFIX}__highlight">$&</span>` );
* Return the HTML of the redirect label
* @param {string} title
* @param {string} matchedTitle
* @return {string}
const getRedirectLabel = ( title, matchedTitle ) => {
* Check if the redirect is useful (T303013)
* @return {boolean}
const isRedirectUseful = () => {
// Change to lowercase then remove space and dashes
const cleanup = ( text ) => {
return text.toLowerCase().replace( /-|\s/g, '' );
cleanTitle = cleanup( title ),
cleanMatchedTitle = cleanup( matchedTitle );
return !(
cleanTitle.includes( cleanMatchedTitle ) ||
cleanMatchedTitle.includes( cleanTitle )
let html = '';
// Result is a redirect
// Show the redirect title and highlight it
if ( matchedTitle && isRedirectUseful() ) {
html = `<div class="${PREFIX}__labelItem" title="${mw.message( 'search-redirect', matchedTitle ).plain()}">
<span class="citizen-ui-icon mw-ui-icon-wikimedia-articleRedirect"></span>
<span>${highlightTitle( matchedTitle )}</span>
return html;
// Create suggestion items
results.forEach( ( result, index ) => {
const data = {
id: `${PREFIX}-suggestion-${index}`,
type: 'page',
size: 'md',
link: suggestionLinkPrefix + encodeURIComponent( result.key ),
title: highlightTitle( result.title ),
// Just to be safe, not sure if the default API is HTML escaped
desc: result.desc
if ( result.matchedTitle ) {
data.label = getRedirectLabel( result.title, result.matchedTitle );
if ( result.thumbnail ) {
data.thumbnail = result.thumbnail;
} else {
// Thumbnail placeholder icon
data.icon = 'image';
fragment.append( getMenuItem( data ) );
} );
// Hide placeholder
placeholder.classList.add( HIDDEN_CLASS );
typeahead.prepend( fragment );
} else {
// Update placeholder with no result content
icon: 'articleNotFound',
type: 'placeholder',
size: 'lg',
title: mw.message( 'citizen-search-noresults-title', htmlSafeSearchQuery ).text(),
desc: mw.message( 'citizen-search-noresults-desc' ).text()
placeholder.classList.remove( HIDDEN_CLASS );
// Add loading animation
searchInput.parentNode.classList.add( SEARCH_LOADING_CLASS );
controller = new AbortController(),
abortFetch = () => {
gateway = require( './gateway/gateway.js' ),
getResults = gateway.getResults( searchQuery, controller );
// Abort fetch if the input is detected
// So that fetch request won't be queued up
searchInput.addEventListener( 'input', abortFetch, { once: true } );
getResults.then( ( results ) => {
searchInput.removeEventListener( 'input', abortFetch );
if ( results !== null ) {
renderSuggestions( results );
} ).catch( ( error ) => {
searchInput.removeEventListener( 'input', abortFetch );
searchInput.parentNode.classList.remove( SEARCH_LOADING_CLASS );
// User can trigger the abort when the fetch event is pending
// There is no need for an error
if ( error.name !== 'AbortError' ) {
const message = `Uh oh, a wild error appears! ${error}`;
throw new Error( message );
} );
* Update menu item element
* @param {HTMLElement} item
* @param {MenuItemData} data
function updateMenuItem( item, data ) {
if ( data.id ) {
item.setAttribute( 'id', data.id );
if ( data.type ) {
item.classList.add( `${ITEM_CLASS}-${data.type}` );
if ( data.size ) {
item.classList.add( `${ITEM_CLASS}-${data.size}` );
if ( data.link ) {
const link = item.querySelector( `.${PREFIX}__content` );
link.setAttribute( 'href', data.link );
if ( data.icon || data.thumbnail ) {
const thumbnail = item.querySelector( `.${PREFIX}__thumbnail` );
if ( data.thumbnail ) {
thumbnail.style.backgroundImage = `url('${data.thumbnail}')`;
} else {
if ( data.title ) {
const title = item.querySelector( `.${PREFIX}__title` );
title.innerHTML = data.title;
if ( data.label ) {
const label = item.querySelector( `.${PREFIX}__label` );
label.innerHTML = data.label;
if ( data.desc ) {
const desc = item.querySelector( `.${PREFIX}__description` );
desc.innerHTML = data.desc;
* Generate menu item HTML using the existing template
* @param {MenuItemData} data
* @return {HTMLElement|void}
function getMenuItem( data ) {
const template = document.getElementById( `${PREFIX}-template` );
// Shouldn't happen but just to be safe
if ( !( template instanceof HTMLTemplateElement ) ) {
fragment = template.content.cloneNode( true ),
item = fragment.querySelector( `.${ITEM_CLASS}` );
updateMenuItem( item, data );
bindMouseHoverEvent( item );
return fragment;
* Update the typeahead element
function updateTypeahead() {
searchQuery = searchInput.value,
htmlSafeSearchQuery = mw.html.escape( searchQuery ),
hasQuery = searchQuery.length > 0,
placeholder = typeahead.querySelector( `.${ITEM_CLASS}-placeholder` );
* Get a list of tools for the typeahead footer
const getTools = () => {
* Update a tool item or create it if it does not exist
* @param {Object} data
const updateToolItem = ( data ) => {
itemId = `${PREFIX}-${data.id}`,
query = `<span class="citizen-typeahead__query">${htmlSafeSearchQuery}</span>`,
itemLink = data.link + htmlSafeSearchQuery,
/* eslint-disable-next-line mediawiki/msg-doc */
itemDesc = mw.message( data.msg, query );
let item = document.getElementById( itemId );
// Update existing element instead of creating a new one
if ( item ) {
// FIXME: Probably more efficient to just replace the query than the whole messaage?
link: itemLink,
desc: itemDesc
} else {
item = getMenuItem( {
icon: data.icon,
id: itemId,
type: 'tool',
size: 'sm',
link: itemLink,
desc: itemDesc
} );
typeahead.append( item );
// Fulltext search
updateToolItem( {
id: 'fulltext',
link: `${config.wgScriptPath}/index.php?title=Special:Search&fulltext=1&search=`,
icon: 'articleSearch',
msg: hasQuery ? 'citizen-search-fulltext' : 'citizen-search-fulltext-empty'
} );
// MediaSearch
if ( config.isMediaSearchExtensionEnabled ) {
updateToolItem( {
id: 'mediasearch',
link: `${config.wgScriptPath}/index.php?title=Special:MediaSearch&type=image&search=`,
icon: 'imageGallery',
msg: hasQuery ? 'citizen-search-mediasearch' : 'citizen-search-mediasearch-empty'
} );
if ( hasQuery ) {
getSuggestions( searchQuery, htmlSafeSearchQuery, placeholder );
} else {
// Update placeholder with no query content
icon: 'articlesSearch',
title: mw.message( 'searchsuggest-search' ).text(),
desc: mw.message( 'citizen-search-empty-desc' ).text()
placeholder.classList.remove( HIDDEN_CLASS );
* @param {HTMLElement} searchForm
* @param {HTMLInputElement} input
function initTypeahead( searchForm, input ) {
const EXPANDED_CLASS = 'citizen-search__card--expanded';
template = mw.template.get(
data = {
'msg-searchsuggest-search': mw.message( 'searchsuggest-search' ).text(),
'msg-citizen-search-empty-desc': mw.message( 'citizen-search-empty-desc' ).text()
const onBlur = ( event ) => {
const focusIn = typeahead.contains( event.relatedTarget );
if ( !focusIn ) {
// HACK: On Safari, users are unable to click any links because the blur
// event dismiss the links before it is clicked. This should fix it.
setTimeout( () => {
searchInput.setAttribute( 'aria-activedescendant', '' );
searchForm.parentElement.classList.remove( EXPANDED_CLASS );
searchInput.removeEventListener( 'keydown', keyboardEvents );
searchInput.removeEventListener( 'blur', onBlur );
}, 10 );
const onFocus = () => {
// Refresh the typeahead since the query will be emptied when blurred
searchForm.parentElement.classList.add( EXPANDED_CLASS );
searchInput.addEventListener( 'keydown', keyboardEvents );
searchInput.addEventListener( 'blur', onBlur );
// Make them accessible outside of the function
typeahead = template.render( data ).get()[ 1 ];
searchInput = input;
searchForm.append( typeahead );
searchForm.setAttribute( 'aria-owns', 'searchform-suggestions' );
searchInput.setAttribute( 'aria-autocomplete', 'list' );
searchInput.setAttribute( 'aria-controls', 'searchform-suggestions' );
// Init the value in case of undef error
// Since searchInput is focused before the event listener is set up
searchInput.addEventListener( 'focus', onFocus );
// Run once in case there is searchQuery before eventlistener is attached
if ( searchInput.value.length > 0 ) {
// Trigger update only when character is composed (e.g. CJK IME)
searchInput.composing = false;
searchInput.addEventListener( 'compositionstart', () => {
searchInput.composing = true;
} );
searchInput.addEventListener( 'compositionend', () => {
if ( searchInput.composing ) {
searchInput.composing = false;
searchInput.dispatchEvent( new Event( 'input' ) );
} );
searchInput.addEventListener( 'input', () => {
if ( searchInput.composing !== true ) {
mw.util.debounce( 100, updateTypeahead() );
} );
module.exports = {
init: initTypeahead