alistair3149 c8d5a6e5f4
fix(core): 🐛 reset array index after removing toolbox from sidebar
This should fix the issue where SidebarBeforeOutput is not working in some scenario.

Fix: #580
2023-02-15 15:40:13 -05:00

186 lines
5.1 KiB

* Citizen - A responsive skin developed for the Star Citizen Wiki
* This file is part of Citizen.
* Citizen is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Citizen is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Citizen. If not, see <>.
* @file
* @ingroup Skins
declare( strict_types=1 );
namespace MediaWiki\Skins\Citizen\Partials;
use Exception;
use ExtensionRegistry;
use MWException;
use Skin;
use SpecialPage;
* Drawer partial of Skin Citizen
* Generates the following partials:
* - Logo
* - Drawer
* + Special Pages Link
* + Upload Link
final class Drawer extends Partial {
* Decorate sidebar template data
* @return array
* @throws Exception
public function decorateSidebarData( $sidebarData ) {
// Enable label for first portlet
$sidebarData['data-portlets-first']['has-label'] = true;
$globalToolsId = $this->getConfigValue( 'CitizenGlobalToolsPortlet' );
$globalToolsHtml = $this->getGlobalToolsHTML();
$globalToolsAdded = false;
// Attach global tools to first portlet if empty
// TODO: Remove this hack when Desktop Improvements separate article and global tools
if ( empty( $globalToolsId ) ) {
$sidebarData['data-portlets-first']['html-items'] .= $globalToolsHtml;
$globalToolsAdded = true;
for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $sidebarData['array-portlets-rest'] ); $i++ ) {
// Enable label for other portlet
$sidebarData['array-portlets-rest'][$i]['has-label'] = true;
switch ( $sidebarData['array-portlets-rest'][$i]['id'] ) {
// Remove toolbox since it is handled by page tools
case 'p-tb': {
unset( $sidebarData['array-portlets-rest'][$i] );
// Reset index after unsetting toolbox
$sidebarData['array-portlets-rest'] = array_values( $sidebarData['array-portlets-rest'] );
case $globalToolsId: {
// Attach global tools to portlet with matching ID
$sidebarData['array-portlets-rest'][$i]['html-items'] .= $globalToolsHtml;
return $sidebarData;
* Build global tools HTML
* We removed some global tools from TOOLBOX, now add it back
* TODO: Remove this hack when Desktop Improvements separate article and global tools
* @return string RawHTML
* @throws MWException
private function getGlobalToolsHTML(): string {
$skin = $this->skin;
$html = '';
// Special pages
$html .= $skin->makeListItem( 'specialpages', [
'href' => Skin::makeSpecialUrl( 'Specialpages' ),
'id' => 't-specialpages'
] );
// Upload file
// Only add upload file link when $wgEnableUploads is true
if ( $this->getConfigValue( 'EnableUploads' ) === true ) {
if ( ExtensionRegistry::getInstance()->isLoaded( 'Upload Wizard' ) ) {
// Link to Upload Wizard if present
$uploadHref = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'UploadWizard' )->getLocalURL();
} else {
// Link to old upload form
$uploadHref = Skin::makeSpecialUrl( 'Upload' );
$html .= $skin->makeListItem( 'upload', [
'href' => $uploadHref,
'id' => 't-upload'
] );
return $html;
* Get messages used for site stats in the drawer
* @return array for use in Mustache template.
public function getSiteStatsData(): array {
$props = [];
if ( $this->getConfigValue( 'CitizenEnableDrawerSiteStats' ) ) {
$skin = $this->skin;
// Key => Icon
$map = [
'articles' => 'article',
'images' => 'image',
'users' => 'userAvatar',
'edits' => 'edit'
$items = [];
$fmt = null;
// Get NumberFormatter here so that we don't have to call it for every stats
if ( $this->getConfigValue( 'CitizenUseNumberFormatter' ) && class_exists( \NumberFormatter::class ) ) {
$locale = $skin->getLanguage()->getHtmlCode() ?? 'en_US';
$fmt = new \NumberFormatter( $locale, \NumberFormatter::PADDING_POSITION );
$fmt->setAttribute( \NumberFormatter::ROUNDING_MODE, \NumberFormatter::ROUND_DOWN );
$fmt->setAttribute( \NumberFormatter::MAX_FRACTION_DIGITS, 1 );
foreach ( $map as $key => $icon ) {
$items[] = [
'id' => $key,
'icon' => $icon,
'value' => $this->getSiteStatValue( $key, $fmt ),
'label' => $skin->msg( "citizen-sitestats-$key-label" )->text(),
$props['array-drawer-sitestats-item'] = $items;
return $props;
* Get and format sitestat value
* @param string $key
* @param NumberFormatter|null $fmt
* @return string
private function getSiteStatValue( $key, $fmt ): string {
$value = call_user_func( 'SiteStats::' . $key ) ?? '';
if ( $fmt ) {
return $fmt->format( $value );
} else {
return number_format( $value );