() */ class CitizenHooks { public static function BeforePageDisplay($out, $skin) { $out->addModules( 'skins.citizen.bpd' ); return true; } /** * ResourceLoaderGetConfigVars hook handler for setting a config variable * @see https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Hooks/ResourceLoaderGetConfigVars * * @param array &$vars Array of variables to be added into the output of the startup module. * @return bool */ public static function onResourceLoaderGetConfigVars( &$vars ) { $config = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getConfigFactory() ->makeConfig( 'Citizen' ); $vars['wgCitizenExchars'] = $config->get( 'CitizenExchars' ); return true; } /** * Lazyload images * Modified from the Lazyload extension * Looks for thumbnail and swap src to data-src */ public static function ThumbnailBeforeProduceHTML($thumb, &$attribs, &$linkAttribs) { $file = $thumb->getFile(); if ( $file ) { global $wgRequest, $wgTitle; if (defined('MW_API') && $wgRequest->getVal('action') === 'parse') return true; if (isset($wgTitle) && $wgTitle->getNamespace() === NS_FILE) return true; // Set lazy class for the img $attribs['class'] = 'lazy'; // Native API $attribs['loading'] = 'lazy'; $attribs['data-src'] = $attribs['src']; $attribs['data-width'] = $attribs['width']; $attribs['data-height'] = $attribs['height']; // Replace src with small size image $attribs['src'] = preg_replace('#/\d+px-#', '/10px-', $attribs['src']); // $attribs['src'] = ''; // So that the 10px thumbnail is enlarged to the right size $attribs['width'] = $attribs['data-width']; $attribs['height'] = $attribs['data-height']; // Clean up unset($attribs['data-width']); unset($attribs['data-height']); if (isset($attribs['srcset'])) { $attribs['data-srcset'] = $attribs['srcset']; unset($attribs['srcset']); } } return true; } }