. * * @file * @ingroup Skins */ declare( strict_types=1 ); namespace Citizen\Partials; use Exception; use ResourceLoaderSkinModule; use Skin; /** * Drawer partial of Skin Citizen * Generates the following partials: * - Logo * - Drawer * + Special Pages Link * + Upload Link */ final class Drawer extends Partial { /** * Get and pick the correct logo based on types and variants * Based on getLogoData() in MW 1.36 * * @return array */ public function getLogoData() : array { $logoData = ResourceLoaderSkinModule::getAvailableLogos( $this->skin->getConfig() ); // check if the logo supports variants $variantsLogos = $logoData['variants'] ?? null; if ( $variantsLogos ) { $preferred = $this->skin->getOutput()->getTitle() ->getPageViewLanguage()->getCode(); $variantOverrides = $variantsLogos[$preferred] ?? null; // Overrides the logo if ( $variantOverrides ) { foreach ( $variantOverrides as $key => $val ) { $logoData[$key] = $val; } } } return $logoData; } /** * Render the navigation drawer * Based on buildSidebar() * * @return array * @throws Exception */ public function buildDrawer() { $portals = $this->skin->buildSidebar(); $props = []; $languages = null; // Render portals foreach ( $portals as $name => $content ) { if ( $content === false ) { continue; } // Numeric strings gets an integer when set as key, cast back - T73639 $name = (string)$name; switch ( $name ) { case 'SEARCH': case 'TOOLBOX': break; case 'LANGUAGES': $languages = $this->skin->getLanguages(); $portal = $this->skin->getMenuData( 'lang', $content ); // The language portal will be added provided either // languages exist or there is a value in html-after-portal // for example to show the add language wikidata link (T252800) if ( count( $content ) || $portal['html-after-portal'] ) { $languages = $portal; } break; default: // Historically some portals have been defined using HTML rather than arrays. // Let's move away from that to a uniform definition. if ( !is_array( $content ) ) { $html = $content; $content = []; wfDeprecated( "`content` field in portal $name must be array." . "Previously it could be a string but this is no longer supported.", '1.35.0' ); } else { $html = false; } $portal = $this->skin->getMenuData( $name, $content ); if ( $html ) { $portal['html-items'] .= $html; } $props[] = $portal; break; } } $firstPortal = $props[0] ?? null; if ( $firstPortal ) { $firstPortal[ 'class' ] .= ' portal-first'; // Hide label for first portal $firstPortal[ 'label-class' ] .= 'screen-reader-text'; if ( isset( $firstPortal['html-items'] ) ) { $this->addToolboxLinksToDrawer( $firstPortal['html-items'] ); } } return [ 'msg-citizen-drawer-toggle' => $this->skin->msg( 'citizen-drawer-toggle' )->text(), 'data-portals-first' => $firstPortal, 'array-portals-rest' => array_slice( $props, 1 ), 'data-portals-languages' => $languages, ]; } /** * Add a link to special pages and the upload form to the first portal in the drawer * * @param string &$htmlItems * * @return void */ private function addToolboxLinksToDrawer( &$htmlItems ) { // First add a link to special pages $htmlItems .= $this->skin->makeListItem( 'specialpages', [ 'href' => Skin::makeSpecialUrl( 'specialpages' ), 'id' => 't-specialpages' ] ); // Then add a link to the upload form $htmlItems .= $this->skin->makeListItem( 'upload', [ 'href' => Skin::makeSpecialUrl( 'upload' ), 'id' => 't-upload' ] ); } }