/* * Citizen - Mixins * https://starcitizen.tools */ @import 'variables.less'; .citizen-card(@border-radius: true) { background-color: var( --color-surface-1 ); border: var( --border-width-base ) solid var( --border-color-base ); box-shadow: var( --box-shadow-drop-xx-large ); & when (@border-radius ) { border-radius: var( --border-radius-medium ); } } // Collaspe animation setup .citizen-card-hide(@position, @axis: '', @fadeChildren: true) { pointer-events: none; opacity: 0; transform: ~'scale@{axis}( 0 )'; transform-origin: @position; & when (@fadeChildren ) { >* { opacity: 0; } } } // Expand animiation setup // When using fadeChildren, the child elements need to have // opacity: 0 set manually .citizen-card-show(@fadeChildren: true) { z-index: @z-index-dropdown; pointer-events: auto; opacity: 1; // HACK: So that visiblity won't wait 250ms to become visible transition-delay: 0ms; transform: none; & when (@fadeChildren ) { >* { .citizen-card-content-show; } } } // Fade content when users open the menu // But GTFO instantly when they close the menu .citizen-card-content-show() { opacity: 1; transition: var( --transition-menu ); transition-property: opacity; } // Transition animation .citizen-card-transition() { transition: var( --transition-menu ); transition-property: transform, opacity; } // Header card popups .citizen-header-card(@position ) { position: absolute; right: 0; bottom: 100%; left: 0; max-height: var( --header-card-maxheight ); @media ( min-width: @min-width-breakpoint-tablet ) { & when (@position =start) { right: unset; } & when (@position =end) { left: unset; } } @media ( min-width: @min-width-breakpoint-desktop ) { right: unset; left: 100%; & when (@position =start) { top: 0; bottom: unset; } & when (@position =end) { bottom: 0; } } } .citizen-sticky-header(@bottomBorder: true, @zIndex: true) { position: -webkit-sticky; position: sticky; top: var( --height-sticky-header ); transition: var( --transition-menu ); transition-property: top; & when (@bottomBorder ) { box-shadow: 0 1px 0 0 var( --border-color-base ); } & when (@zIndex ) { z-index: @z-index-sticky; } // HACK: Hide overflow // This has an issue if parent has overflow set &::before { position: absolute; top: 0; right: ~'calc( var(--padding-page ) * -1 )'; left: ~'calc( var(--padding-page ) * -1 )'; z-index: @z-index-bottom; height: 100%; content: ''; background-color: var( --color-surface-0 ); filter: opacity( 0.9 ); -webkit-backdrop-filter: saturate( 50% ) blur( 16px ); backdrop-filter: saturate( 50% ) blur( 16px ); } } // To hide objects, but keep them accessible for screen-readers .sr-only() { position: absolute; width: 1px; height: 1px; overflow: hidden; clip-path: inset( 50% ); white-space: nowrap; } // Set content to be at the center .content-center() { max-width: var( --width-layout ); margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto; } .resource-loader-icon() { position: absolute; width: inherit; height: inherit; content: ''; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center; } .resource-loader-menu-icon() { position: absolute; width: @icon-box-size; height: @icon-box-size; content: ''; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center; } .resource-loader-list-icon() { position: relative; flex-shrink: 0; align-self: center; width: @icon-size; height: @icon-size; content: ''; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: contain; } // Button Styles .button-progressive() { color: var( --color-inverted-primary ) !important; background-color: var( --color-progressive ); .citizen-ui-icon::before { filter: var( --filter-invert-primary ); opacity: 1; } } .button-progressive-hover() { background-color: var( --color-progressive--hover ); } .button-progressive-active() { background-color: var( --color-progressive--active ); } .button-destructive() { color: var( --color-inverted-fixed ) !important; background-color: var( --color-destructive ); .citizen-ui-icon::before { filter: var( --filter-invert-fixed ); opacity: 1; } } .button-destructive-hover() { background-color: var( --color-destructive--hover ); } .button-destructive-active() { background-color: var( --color-destructive--active ); } // Transform black into given color // From https://stackoverflow.com/a/73390109/10624167 .recolor(@color ) { @r: red(@color ) / 255; @g: green(@color ) / 255; @b: blue(@color ) / 255; @a: alpha(@color ); // grayscale fallback if SVG from data url is not supported @lightness: lightness(@color ); filter: saturate( 0% ) brightness( 0% ) invert( @lightness ) opacity( @a ); // color filter @svg-filter-id: "recolor"; filter: url( ';data:image/svg+xml;utf8, #@{svg-filter-id}' ); }