/* * Citizen - SRF / ONOI jQuery dataTables * https://starcitizen.tools * TODO */ @import '../../../../resources/variables.less'; .skin-citizen-dark { table.dataTable thead th, table.dataTable thead td { border-bottom: 1px solid var( --color-surface-0 ); } table.dataTable tfoot th, table.dataTable tfoot td { border-top: 1px solid var( --color-surface-0 ); } table.dataTable tbody tr { background-color: var( --color-surface-0 ); } table.dataTable tbody tr.selected { background-color: #b0bed9; } table.dataTable.row-border tbody th, table.dataTable.row-border tbody td, table.dataTable.display tbody th, table.dataTable.display tbody td { border-top: 1px solid @dark-bg-20; } table.dataTable.cell-border tbody th, table.dataTable.cell-border tbody td { border-top: 1px solid @dark-bg-20; border-right: 1px solid @dark-bg-20; } table.dataTable.cell-border tbody tr th:first-child, table.dataTable.cell-border tbody tr td:first-child { border-left: 1px solid @dark-bg-20; } table.dataTable.stripe tbody tr.odd, table.dataTable.display tbody tr.odd { background-color: @dark-bg-10; 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} table.dataTable.display tbody tr.odd > .sorting_1, table.dataTable.order-column.stripe tbody tr.odd > .sorting_1 { background-color: #f1f1f1; } table.dataTable.display tbody tr.odd > .sorting_2, table.dataTable.order-column.stripe tbody tr.odd > .sorting_2 { background-color: #f3f3f3; } table.dataTable.display tbody tr.odd > .sorting_3, table.dataTable.order-column.stripe tbody tr.odd > .sorting_3 { background-color: #f5f5f5; } table.dataTable.display tbody tr.odd.selected > .sorting_1, table.dataTable.order-column.stripe tbody tr.odd.selected > .sorting_1 { background-color: #a6b4cd; } table.dataTable.display tbody tr.odd.selected > .sorting_2, table.dataTable.order-column.stripe tbody tr.odd.selected > .sorting_2 { background-color: #a8b5cf; } table.dataTable.display tbody tr.odd.selected > .sorting_3, table.dataTable.order-column.stripe tbody tr.odd.selected > .sorting_3 { background-color: #a9b7d1; } table.dataTable.display tbody tr.even > .sorting_1, table.dataTable.order-column.stripe tbody tr.even > .sorting_1 { background-color: #fafafa; 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} table.dataTable.display tbody tr:hover > .sorting_3, table.dataTable.order-column.hover tbody tr:hover > .sorting_3 { background-color: #efefef; } table.dataTable.display tbody tr:hover.selected > .sorting_1, table.dataTable.order-column.hover tbody tr:hover.selected > .sorting_1 { background-color: #a2aec7; } table.dataTable.display tbody tr:hover.selected > .sorting_2, table.dataTable.order-column.hover tbody tr:hover.selected > .sorting_2 { background-color: #a3b0c9; } table.dataTable.display tbody tr:hover.selected > .sorting_3, table.dataTable.order-column.hover tbody tr:hover.selected > .sorting_3 { background-color: #a5b2cb; } table.dataTable.no-footer { border-bottom: 1px solid var( --color-surface-0 ); } .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button { color: var( --color-base ); } .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button.current, .dataTables_wrapper .dataTables_paginate .paginate_button.current:hover { color: var( --color-base ); background: var( --color-surface-0 ) linear-gradient( to bottom, var( --color-surface-0 ) 0%, @dark-bg-20 100% ); 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