/* * Citizen * * All LESS variables used in the skin must be defined here * Use CSS variables from tokens.less is preferrable * Only import this stylesheet when LESS variables is nessecary * * Related files: * - Citizen tokens: skins.citizen.styles/tokens.less * - Override MW skin default variables: mediawiki.less/mediawiki.skin.variables.less * */ /* Imports */ /* * MediaWiki mixins * @see https://github.com/wikimedia/mediawiki/blob/master/resources/src/mediawiki.less/mediawiki.mixins.less */ @import 'mediawiki.mixins'; /* * MediaWiki skin variables * mediawiki.less/mediawiki.skin.variables.less * @see https://github.com/wikimedia/mediawiki/blob/master/resources/src/mediawiki.less/mediawiki.skin.defaults.less */ @import 'mediawiki.skin.variables.less'; /* == Spacing == */ @space-unit: 1rem; /* == Fonts == */ /* * --font-family-citizen-base-xx are default fonts prioritized by Citizen. * --font-family-language-xx are language-specific fonts from language RL module. * It is empty by default but populated by Citizen language modules such as the CJK one. */ // Citizen sans-serif fonts @font-family-base: var( --font-family-citizen-base ), var( --font-family-language-base ), system-ui, -apple-system, sans-serif; // Citizen serif fonts @font-family-serif: var( --font-family-citizen-serif ), var( --font-family-language-serif ), 'Linux Libertine', 'Georgia', 'Times', 'Source Serif Pro', serif; // Citizen monospace fonts @font-family-monospace: var( --font-family-citizen-monospace ), var( --font-family-language-monospace ), 'Menlo', 'Consolas', 'Liberation Mono', 'Fira Code', 'Courier New', monospace; /* == Colors == */ /* Base theme */ @color-primary__h: 220; @color-primary__s: 60%; @color-primary__l: 50%; /* * Syntax highlight colors * Based on Material Theme Lighter * https://material-theme.site */ @color-syntax-red: #e53935; @color-syntax-orange: #f76d47; @color-syntax-yellow: #e2931d; @color-syntax-green: #91b859; @color-syntax-cyan: #39adb5; @color-syntax-blue: #6182b8; @color-syntax-paleblue: #8796b0; @color-syntax-purple: #9c3eda; @color-syntax-brown: #916b53; @color-syntax-pink: #ff5370; @color-syntax-violet: #945eb8; @color-syntax-grey: #90a4ae; /* * Syntax highlight colors * Based on Material Theme Palenight * https://material-theme.site */ @color-syntax-red-dark: #f07178; @color-syntax-orange-dark: #f78c6c; @color-syntax-yellow-dark: #ffcb6b; @color-syntax-green-dark: #c3e88d; @color-syntax-cyan-dark: #89ddff; @color-syntax-blue-dark: #82aaff; @color-syntax-paleblue-dark: #b2ccd6; @color-syntax-purple-dark: #c792ea; @color-syntax-brown-dark: #916b53; @color-syntax-pink-dark: #ff9cac; @color-syntax-violet-dark: #bb80b3; @color-syntax-grey-dark: #676E95; /* == Box model properties == */ /* `--*size` variables are used for `*width` & `*height` properties. */ @size-icon: 1.25rem; // Not in the header section it is also used outside of header @header-size: 3.5rem; // 67.5rem at 16px font size // We use px because it would be frustrating if max-width changes with font size @width-layout: 1080px; // TODO: Revise this number, fixed value isn't great but we need it for b @width-toc: 240px; /* Paddings */ @padding-page: 16px; /* Transitions */ @transition-hover: var( --transition-duration-base ) var( --transition-timing-function-ease ); @transition-menu: var( --transition-duration-medium ) var( --transition-timing-function-ease-out ); /* * Framework */ @html-font-size: 100%; @icon-size: 1.125rem; // 18px, TODO: Replace this var @icon-box-size: @icon-size + @icon-margin * 2; @icon-margin: 3px; /* * Legacy colors * * They are used by the SMW skinstyles and a few MW UI stuff. * Those styles should be updated to the new standard. * After that we can remove all theses LESS variables. */ @color-base: #54595d; @color-base--emphasized: #202122; @color-base--subtle: #72777d; @color-primary: #36c; @color-primary--hover: #5b84d6; @color-primary--active: #2a4b8d; @dark-bg-10: #1d2129; @dark-bg-20: #22262d; @dark-bg-30: #24272f; @dark-bg-40: #2b2f36; @dark-bg-50: #33363d; @dark-bg-60: #34383f; /* * Used by Math and WikiHiero for recolor * TODO: Figure out a way to do recolor with CSS variable * e.g. If the primary color is changed on wiki, it won't be reflected here. */ @dark-color-base: hsl( @color-primary__h, 25%, 80% ); @dark-color-base--emphasized: hsl( @color-primary__h, 80%, 95% ); @dark-color-base--subtle: hsl( @color-primary__h, 25%, 65% );