#mw-drawer { &-button { &-icon { width: @icon-size; height: @icon-size; margin: (@header-height - @icon-size) / 2 @icon-padding (@header-height - @icon-size) / 2 (@icon-margin * 2 + @margin-side * 2) / 2; overflow: hidden; display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: center; justify-content: center; &-1 { transform-origin: 0% 0%; } &-2 { transform-origin: 0% 100%; } } &:checked { // Transform all the slices of the button into a crossmark ~ #mw-drawer-button-icon { #mw-drawer-button-icon { &-1 { opacity: 0; transform: rotate( 0deg ) scale( 0.2, 0.2 ); } // Reflect line &-2 { transform: rotate( -45deg ) translate( -2px, 6px ); } // Hide line &-3 { transform: rotate( 45deg ) translate( -5px, -7px ); } } .mw-drawer-button-icon { &-div { opacity: @opacity-icon; } } } // Show drawer ~ #mw-drawer-menu { transform: none; will-change: unset; } } &:hover { ~ #mw-drawer-button-icon { #mw-drawer-button-icon { &-1 { transform: translate( -50%, 0 ); } } .mw-drawer-button-icon { &-div { opacity: @opacity-icon-active; } } } } } &-menu { position: fixed; z-index: 4; top: 0; padding-top: @header-height; width: @drawer-width; max-width: 100vw; // in case if someone has super small screen height: ~'calc(100vh - @{header-height})'; .boxshadow(3); background: @menu-background; display: flex; flex-direction: column; transform-origin: 0% 0%; transform: translate( -110%, 0 ); // shadow bleeding with 100% transition: @transition-transform; will-change: transform; // help with performance &-logo { padding: 0 @margin-side @margin-side / 2 @margin-side; border-bottom: 1px solid @base-80; display: flex; flex-direction: column; .mw-wiki-logo { margin-bottom: @margin-side / 2; width: 120px; height: 120px; display: block; background-position: left center; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: contain; } .mw-wiki-title { opacity: 0; height: 0; } } &-main { padding: @margin-side / 2 0; overflow: auto; overscroll-behavior: contain; flex-grow: 1; h3 { margin: @margin-side / 2 0 0 0; padding: @margin-side / 2 @margin-side; color: @color-item-header; font-size: @ui-menu-header; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: 1px; } } &-main, &-user { a { .menu-item-link; align-items: center; justify-content: space-between; padding: @padding-menu-item-big; font-size: @ui-menu-text-big; font-family: @fonts; &:after { .resource-loader-list-icon; margin-left: @icon-padding; opacity: 0.4; display: block; background-size: contain; transition: @transition-opacity-quick; } &:hover { .menu-item-link-hover; &:after { opacity: 0.6; } } &:active { .menu-item-link-active; } &:focus { .menu-item-link-focus; } } } } } .mw-drawer { &-button { &-icon { &-div { z-index: 5; margin: 1.5px 0; width: @icon-size; height: 2px; display: block; background: @base-0; opacity: @opacity-icon; transform-origin: 4px 0; transition: @transition-transform-quick, @transition-background-quick, @transition-opacity-quick; } } } } #p-personal { padding-top: @margin-side / 2; border-top: 1px solid @base-80; #pt-userpage { margin-bottom: @margin-side / 2; a { flex-direction: row-reverse; justify-content: flex-end; &:after { margin: 0; margin-right: @margin-side; width: @icon-box-size; height: @icon-box-size; } } span { order: 2; padding-left: @margin-side; } } #pt-login { a { .button-blue; &:hover, &:active, &:focus { .button-blue-active; } } } #pt-logout { a { .button-red; &:hover, &:active, &:focus { .button-red-active; } } } } // Only show title when screen height is less than 800px @media ( max-height: 800px ) { #mw-drawer-menu-logo { .mw-wiki-logo { margin: 0; height: 0; } .mw-wiki-title { margin-top: 20px; height: auto; opacity: 1; } } } @media ( prefers-color-scheme: dark ) { #mw-drawer { &-button { &:hover { ~ #mw-drawer-button-icon { .mw-drawer-button-icon { &-div { opacity: 0.6; } } } } } &-menu { background: @dark-bg-40; &-logo { border-color: @dark-bg-50; .mw-wiki-title { color: @dark-text-100; } } &-main { h3 { color: @dark-text-100; } } &-main, &-user { a { color: @dark-text-80 !important; &:hover { background-color: @dark-bg-60; color: @dark-text-90 !important; } &:active, &:focus { color: @dark-text-100 !important; background-color: @accent-10; } &:after { filter: invert( 1 ); } } } } } .mw-drawer { &-button { &-icon { &-div { opacity: 0.4; background: @base-100; } } } } #p-personal { border-color: @dark-bg-50; } }