/* * Citizen - Recent Changes Styles * https://starcitizen.tools */ @import '../../../resources/variables.less'; /*! * Styling for Special:Watchlist and Special:RecentChanges */ #siteSub { display: none !important; } // Mimic siteSub .mw-rcfilters-enabled, .mw-rcfilters-disabled { .mw-specialpage-summary { margin: 0.4rem 0 1.6rem; color: @base-30; font-size: @content-caption-size; p { margin: 0; } } } .rcoptions { margin: @content-margin-top * 2 0; padding: 0; border: 0; legend { margin-bottom: @margin-side / 2; padding: @margin-side / 2 0; width: 100%; border-bottom: 1px solid @base-80; font-size: @content-small-text-size; } // Needed additional parent to override .mw-changeslist-legend { border-color: @base-80; border-radius: @border-radius-small; } } .mw-changeslist { h4 { border-bottom: 1px solid @base-80; color: @base-30 !important; padding: @margin-side / 2 0 !important; font-size: @content-caption-size !important; font-family: @fonts !important; } .comment { color: @base-30; } .mw-tag-markers { .mw-tag-marker { color: @base-30; } } } @media ( prefers-color-scheme: dark ) { .rcoptions { color: @dark-text-90; legend { border-color: @dark-bg-20; } .mw-changeslist-legend { border-color: @dark-bg-20; } } .mw-changeslist { h4 { color: @dark-text-80 !important; border-color: @dark-bg-20; } .comment { color: @dark-text-80; } .mw-tag-markers { .mw-tag-marker { color: @dark-text-80; } } } }