In other language menu and language variant menu are merged into a singular menu
with a toggle in page tools. This is the first step towards having better language
handling in the skin.
Mostly based on Vector 2022. Now we target checkbox hacks by the HTML classes
.mw-checkbox-hack-TYPE instead of defining each individually, which would
make it more scalable.
This is a part of the site header refactor
* Use relative units
* Add title to toggle button
* Remove unnessecary CSS
* Rewrite HTML classes
* Temporary remove drawer subsearch, it will be re-explored in a later patch
* wgLogo is always visible in the drawer
* Increase the size of wiki name
* Sitestats will now format large numbers into human readable formats (e.g. 12.2K, 3M, etc.)
* Sitestats now use icons instead of text as labels
* Remove wordmark for now, will revisit later