/** * Utility class with methods for common utility functions. * * @class Util */ class Util { /** * Extracts text content from the given HTML string. * * @param {string} html - The HTML string to extract text content from. * @return {string} The extracted text content. */ static extractTextFromHtml( html ) { const tmp = document.createElement( 'div' ); tmp.innerHTML = html; return tmp.textContent; } /** * Returns the size (width or height) of the provided element. * Required to calculate the size of hidden elements (e.g. nested tabs) * * @param {Element} element - The element for which to get the size. * @param {string} type - The type of size to retrieve ('width' or 'height'). * @return {number} The actual size of the element based on the specified type. */ static getElementSize( element, type ) { if ( !element || !( element instanceof Element ) || ( type !== 'width' && type !== 'height' ) ) { mw.log.error( '[TabberNeue] Invalid element or type provided for getElementSize' ); return 0; } let value = element.getBoundingClientRect()[ type ]; if ( value === 0 ) { value = this.getHiddenElementSize( element, type ); } return value; } /** * Retrieves the size of a hidden element by cloning it and calculating the size. * * @param {Element} element - The hidden element to retrieve the size from. * @param {string} type - The type of size to retrieve ('width' or 'height'). * @return {number} The size of the hidden element based on the specified type. */ static getHiddenElementSize( element, type ) { const shadowRoot = document.createElement( 'div' ).attachShadow( { mode: 'open' } ); const clone = element.cloneNode( true ); clone.style.position = 'absolute'; clone.style.visibility = 'hidden'; shadowRoot.appendChild( clone ); try { const value = clone.getBoundingClientRect()[ type ]; return value; } finally { clone.parentNode.removeChild( clone ); } } /** * Rounds the scrollLeft value to the nearest integer using Math.ceil. * Used to avoid the fractional pixel issue caused by different browser implementations * * @param {number} val - The scrollLeft value to be rounded. * @return {number} The rounded scrollLeft value. */ static roundScrollLeft( val ) { return Math.ceil( val ); } /** * Sets the attributes of the given element based on the provided attributes object. * * @param {Element} element - The element to set attributes for. * @param {Object} attributes - An object containing key-value pairs of attributes to set. */ static setAttributes( element, attributes ) { for ( const key in attributes ) { element.setAttribute( key, attributes[ key ] ); } } } module.exports = Util;