/** * ext.tabberNeue * * NAMING THINGS ARE HARD :( * TODO: Make class and function names more accurate? * TODO: Split classes into different modules */ const config = require( './config.json' ); let uniqueHashes; let resizeObserver; /** * Class representing a Hash utility for generating unique hash values. * * @class Hash */ class Hash { /** * Initializes the Hash class by creating a new Set to store unique hashes. */ static init() { uniqueHashes = new Set(); } /** * Checks if a given hash is not unique by verifying if it exists in the Set of unique hashes. * * @param {string} hash - The hash to check for uniqueness. * @return {boolean} - Returns true if the hash is not unique, false otherwise. */ static exists( hash ) { return uniqueHashes.has( hash ); } /** * Generates a unique hash based on the input hash by appending a suffix if necessary. * * @param {string} hash - The base hash to make unique. * @return {string} - A unique hash derived from the input hash. */ static makeUnique( hash ) { const match = hash.match( /^(.+)_([0-9]+)$/ ); let suffix = match ? parseInt( match[ 2 ], 10 ) + 1 : 1; const initialHash = hash; let uniqueHash = `${ initialHash }_${ suffix }`; // Increment suffix and generate a new unique hash until a unique one is found while ( Hash.exists( uniqueHash ) ) { suffix++; uniqueHash = `${ initialHash }_${ suffix }`; } return uniqueHash; } /** * Builds a unique hash based on the provided title text. * * @param {string} titleText - The title text to generate the hash from. * @return {string} - A unique hash created from the title text. */ static build( titleText ) { let hash = mw.util.escapeIdForAttribute( titleText ); if ( Hash.exists( hash ) ) { hash = Hash.makeUnique( hash ); } uniqueHashes.add( hash ); return hash; } /** * Clears the Set of unique hashes, removing all stored hashes. */ static clear() { uniqueHashes.clear(); } } /** * Utility class with methods for common utility functions. * * @class Util */ class Util { /** * Extracts text content from the given HTML string. * * @param {string} html - The HTML string to extract text content from. * @return {string} The extracted text content. */ static extractTextFromHtml( html ) { const tmp = document.createElement( 'div' ); tmp.innerHTML = html; return tmp.textContent; } /** * Returns the size (width or height) of the provided element. * Required to calculate the size of hidden elements (e.g. nested tabs) * * @param {Element} element - The element for which to get the size. * @param {string} type - The type of size to retrieve ('width' or 'height'). * @return {number} The actual size of the element based on the specified type. */ static getElementSize( element, type ) { if ( !element || !( element instanceof Element ) || ( type !== 'width' && type !== 'height' ) ) { mw.log.error( '[TabberNeue] Invalid element or type provided for getElementSize' ); return 0; } let value = element.getBoundingClientRect()[ type ]; if ( value === 0 ) { value = this.getHiddenElementSize( element, type ); } return value; } /** * Retrieves the size of a hidden element by cloning it and calculating the size. * * @param {Element} element - The hidden element to retrieve the size from. * @param {string} type - The type of size to retrieve ('width' or 'height'). * @return {number} The size of the hidden element based on the specified type. */ static getHiddenElementSize( element, type ) { const shadowRoot = document.createElement( 'div' ).attachShadow( { mode: 'open' } ); const clone = element.cloneNode( true ); clone.style.position = 'absolute'; clone.style.visibility = 'hidden'; shadowRoot.appendChild( clone ); try { const value = clone.getBoundingClientRect()[ type ]; return value; } finally { clone.parentNode.removeChild( clone ); } } /** * Rounds the scrollLeft value to the nearest integer using Math.ceil. * Used to avoid the fractional pixel issue caused by different browser implementations * * @param {number} val - The scrollLeft value to be rounded. * @return {number} The rounded scrollLeft value. */ static roundScrollLeft( val ) { return Math.ceil( val ); } /** * Sets the attributes of the given element based on the provided attributes object. * * @param {Element} element - The element to set attributes for. * @param {Object} attributes - An object containing key-value pairs of attributes to set. */ static setAttributes( element, attributes ) { for ( const key in attributes ) { element.setAttribute( key, attributes[ key ] ); } } } /** * Represents a class that handles transcluding content for a tab within a tabber component. * * @class TabberTransclude */ class TabberTransclude { constructor( activeTabpanel, cacheExpiration = 3600 ) { this.activeTabpanel = activeTabpanel; this.pageTitle = this.activeTabpanel.dataset.mwTabberPageTitle; this.url = this.activeTabpanel.dataset.mwTabberLoadUrl; this.cacheKey = `tabber-transclude-${ encodeURIComponent( this.pageTitle ) }_v1`; this.cacheExpiration = cacheExpiration; } /** * Validates the URL format. * * @return {Promise} A Promise that resolves if the URL is valid, and rejects with an Error if the URL is empty, null, or in an invalid format. */ validateUrl() { const urlPattern = /^(https?):\/\/[^\s/$.?#][^\s]*$/; if ( !this.url || this.url.trim() === '' ) { return Promise.reject( new Error( '[TabberNeue] URL is empty or null' ) ); } if ( !urlPattern.test( this.url ) ) { return Promise.reject( new Error( `[TabberNeue] Invalid URL format : ${ this.url }` ) ); } return Promise.resolve(); } /** * Checks the session storage for cached data using the cache key. * * @return {Object|null} The cached data if found, or null if no cached data is found. */ checkCache() { const cachedData = mw.storage.session.getObject( this.cacheKey ); if ( cachedData ) { return cachedData; } return null; } /** * Fetches data from the specified URL using a GET request. * * @return {Promise} A Promise that resolves with the response text if the network request is successful, * and rejects with an Error if there is an issue with the network request. */ async fetchDataFromUrl() { try { const response = await fetch( this.url, { method: 'GET', timeout: 5000, credentials: 'same-origin' } ); if ( !response.ok ) { throw new Error( `Network response was not ok: ${ response.status } - ${ response.statusText }` ); } return Promise.resolve( response.text() ); } catch ( error ) { return Promise.reject( `[TabberNeue] Error fetching data from URL: ${ this.url }`, error ); } } /** * Parses the JSON data and extracts the 'parse.text' property. * * @param {string} data - The JSON data to be parsed. * @return {string} The parsed 'parse.text' property from the JSON data. * @throws {Error} If an error occurs while parsing the JSON data. */ parseData( data ) { let parsedData; try { parsedData = JSON.parse( data ); parsedData = parsedData.parse.text; } catch ( error ) { mw.log.error( `[TabberNeue] Error occurred while parsing JSON data: ${ error }` ); return Promise.reject( new Error( `Error parsing JSON data: ${ error }` ) ); } return parsedData; } /** * Caches the parsed data in the session storage using the cache key. * * @param {string} parsedData - The parsed data to be cached. * @return {string} The cached parsed data. */ cacheData( parsedData ) { mw.storage.session.setObject( this.cacheKey, parsedData, this.cacheExpiration ); return parsedData; } /** * Fetches data by validating the URL, checking the cache, fetching data from the URL, * parsing the data, and caching the parsed data if not found in the cache. * * @return {Promise} A Promise that resolves with the fetched and cached data, * or rejects with an error message if any step fails. */ async fetchData() { try { await this.validateUrl(); const cachedData = this.checkCache(); if ( cachedData ) { return cachedData; } const data = await this.fetchDataFromUrl(); const parsedData = this.parseData( data ); return this.cacheData( parsedData ); } catch ( error ) { return Promise.reject( `[TabberNeue] Error fetching data: ${ error }` ); } } /** * Loads the page content by fetching data, updating the active tab panel's content, * and handling errors if data fetching fails. * * @return {void} */ async loadPage() { try { this.activeTabpanel.classList.add( 'tabber__panel--loading' ); const data = await this.fetchData(); if ( data ) { delete this.activeTabpanel.dataset.mwTabberLoadUrl; this.activeTabpanel.classList.remove( 'tabber__panel--loading' ); this.activeTabpanel.innerHTML = data; } else { mw.log.error( `[TabberNeue] No valid API response or missing 'parse' field for ${ this.pageTitle } from: ${ this.url }` ); } } catch ( error ) { mw.log.error( `[TabberNeue] Failed to load data for ${ this.pageTitle }: ${ error }` ); } } } /** * Class representing TabberEvent functionality for handling tab events and animations. * * @class */ class TabberEvent { /** * Determines if animations should be shown based on the user's preference. * * @return {boolean} - Returns true if animations should be shown, false otherwise. */ static shouldShowAnimation() { return !window.matchMedia( '(prefers-reduced-motion: reduce)' ).matches || !config.enableAnimation; } /** * Toggles the animation state based on the user's preference. * If animations should be shown, * adds the 'tabber-animations-ready' class to the document element. * * @param {boolean} enableAnimations - Flag indicating whether animations should be enabled. */ static toggleAnimation( enableAnimations ) { if ( !TabberEvent.shouldShowAnimation() ) { return; } window.requestAnimationFrame( () => { document.documentElement.classList.toggle( 'tabber-animations-ready', enableAnimations ); } ); } /** * Updates the header overflow based on the scroll position of the tab list. * If the tab list is scrollable, it adds/removes classes to show/hide navigation buttons. * * @param {Element} tabberEl - The tabber element containing the header and tab list. */ static updateHeaderOverflow( tabberEl ) { const header = tabberEl.querySelector( ':scope > .tabber__header' ); const tablist = header.querySelector( ':scope > .tabber__tabs' ); const { roundScrollLeft } = Util; const tablistWidth = tablist.offsetWidth; const tablistScrollWidth = tablist.scrollWidth; const isScrollable = ( tablistScrollWidth > header.offsetWidth ); if ( !isScrollable ) { window.requestAnimationFrame( () => { header.classList.remove( 'tabber__header--next-visible' ); header.classList.remove( 'tabber__header--prev-visible' ); } ); return; } const scrollLeft = roundScrollLeft( tablist.scrollLeft ); const isAtStart = scrollLeft <= 0; const isAtEnd = scrollLeft + tablistWidth >= tablistScrollWidth; const isAtMiddle = !isAtStart && !isAtEnd; window.requestAnimationFrame( () => { header.classList.toggle( 'tabber__header--next-visible', isAtStart || isAtMiddle ); header.classList.toggle( 'tabber__header--prev-visible', isAtEnd || isAtMiddle ); } ); } /** * Updates the tab indicator to visually indicate the active tab. * * @param {Element} tabberEl - The tabber element containing the tabs and indicator. * @param {Element} activeTab - The currently active tab element. */ static updateIndicator( tabberEl, activeTab ) { const indicator = tabberEl.querySelector( '.tabber__indicator' ); const tablist = tabberEl.querySelector( '.tabber__tabs' ); window.requestAnimationFrame( () => { const width = Util.getElementSize( activeTab, 'width' ); indicator.style.width = width + 'px'; indicator.style.transform = 'translateX(' + ( activeTab.offsetLeft - Util.roundScrollLeft( tablist.scrollLeft ) ) + 'px)'; } ); } static setActiveTabpanel( activeTabpanel ) { const section = activeTabpanel.closest( '.tabber__section' ); if ( activeTabpanel.dataset.mwTabberLoadUrl ) { const tabberTransclude = new TabberTransclude( activeTabpanel ); tabberTransclude.loadPage(); } window.requestAnimationFrame( () => { const activeTabpanelHeight = Util.getElementSize( activeTabpanel, 'height' ); section.style.height = activeTabpanelHeight + 'px'; // Scroll to tab section.scrollLeft = activeTabpanel.offsetLeft; } ); } /** * Sets the active tab based on the provided tab panel ID. * Updates the ARIA attributes for tab panels and tabs to reflect the active state. * Also updates the tab indicator to visually indicate the active tab. * * @param {string} tabpanelId - The ID of the tab panel to set as active. */ static setActiveTab( tabpanelId ) { const activeTabpanel = document.getElementById( tabpanelId ); const activeTab = document.getElementById( `tab-${ tabpanelId }` ); const tabberEl = activeTabpanel.closest( '.tabber' ); const tabpanels = tabberEl.querySelectorAll( ':scope > .tabber__section > .tabber__panel' ); const tabs = tabberEl.querySelectorAll( ':scope > .tabber__header > .tabber__tabs > .tabber__tab' ); const tabpanelAttributes = []; const tabAttributes = []; tabpanels.forEach( ( tabpanel ) => { if ( tabpanel === activeTabpanel ) { tabpanelAttributes.push( { element: tabpanel, attributes: { 'aria-hidden': 'false' } } ); if ( typeof resizeObserver !== 'undefined' && resizeObserver ) { resizeObserver.observe( activeTabpanel ); } } else { tabpanelAttributes.push( { element: tabpanel, attributes: { 'aria-hidden': 'true' } } ); if ( typeof resizeObserver !== 'undefined' && resizeObserver ) { resizeObserver.unobserve( tabpanel ); } } } ); tabs.forEach( ( tab ) => { if ( tab === activeTab ) { tabAttributes.push( { element: tab, attributes: { 'aria-selected': true, tabindex: '0' } } ); } else { tabAttributes.push( { element: tab, attributes: { 'aria-selected': false, tabindex: '-1' } } ); } } ); window.requestAnimationFrame( () => { tabpanelAttributes.forEach( ( { element, attributes } ) => { Util.setAttributes( element, attributes ); } ); tabAttributes.forEach( ( { element, attributes } ) => { Util.setAttributes( element, attributes ); } ); } ); TabberEvent.updateIndicator( tabberEl, activeTab ); TabberEvent.setActiveTabpanel( activeTabpanel ); } /** * Scrolls the tab list by the specified offset. * * @param {number} offset - The amount to scroll the tab list by. * @param {Element} tablist - The tab list element to scroll. */ static scrollTablist( offset, tablist ) { const scrollLeft = Util.roundScrollLeft( tablist.scrollLeft ) + offset; window.requestAnimationFrame( () => { tablist.scrollLeft = Math.min( Math.max( scrollLeft, 0 ), tablist.scrollWidth - tablist.offsetWidth ); } ); } /** * Handles the click event on a header button element. * Calculates the scroll offset based on the button type ('prev' or 'next'). * Scrolls the tab list by the calculated offset using the 'scrollTablist' method * of the TabberEvent class. * * @param {Element} button - The header button element that was clicked. * @param {string} type - The type of button clicked ('prev' or 'next'). */ static handleHeaderButton( button, type ) { const tablist = button.closest( '.tabber__header' ).querySelector( '.tabber__tabs' ); const scrollOffset = type === 'prev' ? -tablist.offsetWidth / 2 : tablist.offsetWidth / 2; TabberEvent.scrollTablist( scrollOffset, tablist ); } /** * Handles the click event on a tab element. * If a tab element is clicked, it sets the tab panel as active and updates the URL hash * without adding to browser history. * * @param {Event} e - The click event object. */ static handleClick( e ) { const tab = e.target.closest( '.tabber__tab' ); if ( tab ) { // Prevent default anchor actions e.preventDefault(); const tabpanelId = tab.getAttribute( 'aria-controls' ); // Update the URL hash without adding to browser history if ( config.updateLocationOnTabChange ) { history.replaceState( null, '', window.location.pathname + window.location.search + '#' + tabpanelId ); } TabberEvent.setActiveTab( tabpanelId ); return; } const isPointerDevice = window.matchMedia( '(hover: hover)' ).matches; if ( isPointerDevice ) { const prevButton = e.target.closest( '.tabber__header__prev' ); if ( prevButton ) { TabberEvent.handleHeaderButton( prevButton, 'prev' ); return; } const nextButton = e.target.closest( '.tabber__header__next' ); if ( nextButton ) { TabberEvent.handleHeaderButton( nextButton, 'next' ); return; } } } /** * Checks if there are entries and the first entry has a target element * that is an instance of Element. * If true, calls the setActiveTabpanel method of the TabberEvent class * with the activeTabpanel as the argument. * * @param {ResizeObserverEntry[]} entries */ static handleElementResize( entries ) { if ( entries && entries.length > 0 ) { const activeTabpanel = entries[ 0 ].target; if ( activeTabpanel instanceof Element ) { TabberEvent.setActiveTabpanel( activeTabpanel ); } } } /** * Sets up event listeners for tab elements. * Attaches a click event listener to the body content element, * delegating the click event to the tab elements. * When a tab element is clicked, it triggers the handleClick method of the TabberEvent class. */ static attachEvents() { const bodyContent = document.getElementById( 'mw-content-text' ); bodyContent.addEventListener( 'click', TabberEvent.handleClick ); if ( window.ResizeObserver ) { resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver( TabberEvent.handleElementResize ); } } } /** * Class responsible for creating tabs, headers, and indicators for a tabber element. * * @class TabberBuilder */ class TabberBuilder { constructor( tabber ) { this.tabber = tabber; this.header = this.tabber.querySelector( ':scope > .tabber__header' ); this.tablist = document.createElement( 'nav' ); this.indicator = document.createElement( 'div' ); } /** * Sets the attributes of a tab element. * * @param {Element} tab - The tab element to set attributes for. * @param {string} tabId - The ID of the tab element. */ setTabAttributes( tab, tabId ) { const tabAttributes = { class: 'tabber__tab', role: 'tab', 'aria-selected': false, 'aria-controls': tabId, href: '#' + tabId, id: 'tab-' + tabId }; Util.setAttributes( tab, tabAttributes ); } /** * Creates a tab element with the given title attribute and tab ID. * * @param {string} titleAttr - The title attribute for the tab element. * @param {string} tabId - The ID of the tab element. * @return {Element} The created tab element. */ createTab( titleAttr, tabId ) { const tab = document.createElement( 'a' ); if ( config.parseTabName ) { tab.innerHTML = titleAttr; } else { tab.textContent = titleAttr; } this.setTabAttributes( tab, tabId ); return tab; } /** * Sets the attributes of a tab panel element. * * @param {Element} tabpanel - The tab panel element to set attributes for. * @param {string} tabId - The ID of the tab panel element. */ setTabpanelAttributes( tabpanel, tabId ) { const tabpanelAttributes = { role: 'tabpanel', 'aria-labelledby': `tab-${ tabId }`, id: tabId }; Util.setAttributes( tabpanel, tabpanelAttributes ); } /** * Creates a tab element based on the provided tab panel. * * @param {Element} tabpanel - The tab panel element to create a tab element for. * @return {Element|false} The created tab element, or false if the title attribute is missing * or malformed. */ createTabElement( tabpanel ) { const titleAttr = tabpanel.dataset.mwTabberTitle; if ( !titleAttr ) { mw.log.error( '[TabberNeue] Missing or malformed `data-mw-tabber-title` attribute' ); return false; } let tabId; if ( config.parseTabName ) { tabId = Hash.build( Util.extractTextFromHtml( titleAttr ) ); } else { tabId = Hash.build( titleAttr ); } this.setTabpanelAttributes( tabpanel, tabId ); return this.createTab( titleAttr, tabId ); } /** * Creates tab elements for each tab panel in the tabber. * * It creates a document fragment to hold the tab elements, then iterates over each tab panel * element in the tabber. For each tab panel, it calls the createTabElement method to create a * corresponding tab element and appends it to the fragment. Finally, it adds the fragment * to the tablist element, sets the necessary attributes for the tablist, and adds a * CSS class for styling. */ createTabs() { const fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); const tabpanels = this.tabber.querySelectorAll( ':scope > .tabber__section > .tabber__panel' ); tabpanels.forEach( ( tabpanel ) => { fragment.append( this.createTabElement( tabpanel ) ); } ); this.tablist.append( fragment ); this.tablist.classList.add( 'tabber__tabs' ); this.tablist.setAttribute( 'role', 'tablist' ); } /** * Creates the indicator element for the tabber. * * This method creates a div element to serve as the indicator for the active tab. * It adds the 'tabber__indicator' CSS class to the indicator element and appends it to the * header of the tabber. */ createIndicator() { const indicator = document.createElement( 'div' ); indicator.classList.add( 'tabber__indicator' ); this.header.append( indicator ); } /** * Creates the header elements for the tabber. * * This method creates two buttons for navigating to the previous and next tabs, * adds a tablist element. Finally, it appends all these elements to the header of the tabber. */ createHeader() { const prevButton = document.createElement( 'button' ); prevButton.classList.add( 'tabber__header__prev' ); const nextButton = document.createElement( 'button' ); nextButton.classList.add( 'tabber__header__next' ); this.header.append( prevButton, this.tablist, nextButton ); } attachEvents() { this.tablist.addEventListener( 'scroll', { passive: true }, () => { const activeTab = this.tablist.querySelector( '[aria-selected="true"]' ); TabberEvent.toggleAnimation( false ); window.requestAnimationFrame( () => { TabberEvent.updateHeaderOverflow( this.tabber ); TabberEvent.updateIndicator( this.tabber, activeTab ); } ); // Disable animiation for a short time so that the indicator don't get animated setTimeout( () => { TabberEvent.toggleAnimation( true ); }, 250 ); } ); let tabFocus = 0; const tabs = this.tablist.querySelectorAll( ':scope > .tabber__tab' ); this.tablist.addEventListener( 'keydown', ( e ) => { // Move right if ( e.key === 'ArrowRight' || e.key === 'ArrowLeft' ) { tabs[ tabFocus ].setAttribute( 'tabindex', '-1' ); if ( e.key === 'ArrowRight' ) { tabFocus++; // If we're at the end, go to the start if ( tabFocus >= tabs.length ) { tabFocus = 0; } // Move left } else if ( e.key === 'ArrowLeft' ) { tabFocus--; // If we're at the start, move to the end if ( tabFocus < 0 ) { tabFocus = tabs.length - 1; } } tabs[ tabFocus ].setAttribute( 'tabindex', '0' ); tabs[ tabFocus ].focus(); } } ); if ( window.ResizeObserver ) { const headerOverflowObserver = new ResizeObserver( mw.util.debounce( 250, () => { TabberEvent.updateHeaderOverflow( this.tabber ); } ) ); headerOverflowObserver.observe( this.tablist ); } } /** * Initializes the TabberBuilder by creating tabs, header, and indicator elements. * Also updates the indicator using TabberEvent. */ init() { this.createTabs(); this.createHeader(); this.createIndicator(); const firstTab = this.tablist.querySelector( '.tabber__tab' ); const firstTabId = firstTab.getAttribute( 'aria-controls' ); TabberEvent.setActiveTab( firstTabId ); TabberEvent.updateHeaderOverflow( this.tabber ); this.attachEvents(); this.tabber.classList.add( 'tabber--live' ); } } /** * Loads tabbers with the given elements using the provided configuration. * * @param {NodeList} tabberEls - The elements representing tabbers to be loaded. * @return {void} */ function load( tabberEls ) { mw.loader.load( 'ext.tabberNeue.icons' ); Hash.init(); tabberEls.forEach( ( tabberEl ) => { const tabberBuilder = new TabberBuilder( tabberEl ); tabberBuilder.init(); } ); const urlHash = window.location.hash; if ( Hash.exists( urlHash ) ) { TabberEvent.setActiveTab( urlHash ); const activeTabpanel = document.getElementById( urlHash ); window.requestAnimationFrame( () => { activeTabpanel.scrollIntoView( { behavior: 'auto', block: 'end', inline: 'nearest' } ); } ); } TabberEvent.attachEvents(); // Delay animation execution so it doesn't not animate the tab gets into position on load setTimeout( () => { TabberEvent.toggleAnimation( true ); }, 250 ); } /** * Main function that initializes the tabber functionality on the page. * It selects all tabber elements that are not live, checks if there are any tabber elements * present, and then calls the load function to load the tabber functionality on * each tabber element. */ function main() { const tabberEls = document.querySelectorAll( '.tabber:not(.tabber--live)' ); if ( tabberEls.length === 0 ) { return; } load( tabberEls ); } mw.hook( 'wikipage.content' ).add( () => { main(); } ); mw.loader.using( 'ext.visualEditor.desktopArticleTarget.init' ).done( () => { // After saving edits mw.hook( 'postEdit.afterRemoval' ).add( () => { main(); } ); } );