tag * * @package TabberNeue * @author alistair3149, Eric Fortin, Alexia E. Smith, Ciencia Al Poder * @license GPL-3.0-or-later * @link https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:TabberNeue */ declare( strict_types=1 ); namespace MediaWiki\Extension\TabberNeue; use JsonException; use MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices; use Parser; use PPFrame; class Tabber { /** * Critical rendering styles * See ext.tabberNeue.inline.less * * @var string */ public static $criticalInlineStyle = '.client-js .tabber__header{height:2.6em;box-shadow:inset 0 -1px 0 0;opacity:.1}.client-js .tabber__header:after{position:absolute;width:16ch;height:.5em;border-radius:40px;margin-top:1em;margin-left:.75em;background:#000;content:""}.client-js .tabber__noscript,.client-js .tabber__panel:not( :first-child ){display:none}'; /** * Flag that checks if this is a nested tabber * @var bool */ private static $isNested = false; private static $useCodex = false; private static $parseTabName = false; /** * Parser callback for tag * * @param string|null $input * @param array $args * @param Parser $parser Mediawiki Parser Object * @param PPFrame $frame Mediawiki PPFrame Object * * @return string HTML */ public static function parserHook( ?string $input, array $args, Parser $parser, PPFrame $frame ) { $config = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getMainConfig(); self::$parseTabName = $config->get( 'TabberNeueParseTabName' ); self::$useCodex = $config->get( 'TabberNeueUseCodex' ); $html = self::render( $input ?? '', $parser, $frame ); if ( $input === null ) { return ''; } if ( self::$useCodex === true ) { $parser->getOutput()->addModules( [ 'ext.tabberNeue.codex' ] ); } else { // Critical rendering styles // See ext.tabberNeue.inline.less $style = sprintf( '', self::$criticalInlineStyle ); $parser->getOutput()->addHeadItem( $style, true ); $parser->getOutput()->addModules( [ 'ext.tabberNeue.legacy' ] ); } $parser->addTrackingCategory( 'tabberneue-tabber-category' ); return $html; } /** * Renders the necessary HTML for a tag. * * @param string $input The input URL between the beginning and ending tags. * @param Parser $parser Mediawiki Parser Object * @param PPFrame $frame Mediawiki PPFrame Object * * @return string HTML */ public static function render( string $input, Parser $parser, PPFrame $frame ): string { $arr = explode( '|-|', $input ); $htmlTabs = ''; foreach ( $arr as $tab ) { $htmlTabs .= self::buildTab( $tab, $parser, $frame ); } if ( self::$useCodex && self::$isNested ) { $tab = rtrim( implode( '},', explode( '}', $htmlTabs ) ), ',' ); $tab = strip_tags( html_entity_decode( $tab ) ); $tab = str_replace( ',,', ',', $tab ); $tab = str_replace( ',]', ']', $tab ); return sprintf( '[%s]', $tab ); } $htmlTabs = preg_replace( '/\\\n/', '', $htmlTabs ); $htmlTabs = preg_replace( '/\\\*/', '', $htmlTabs ); $htmlTabs = str_replace( [ '"[', ']"' ], [ '[', ']' ], $htmlTabs ); return '
' . '
' . '
' . $htmlTabs . '
'; } /** * Build individual tab. * * @param string $tab Tab information * @param Parser $parser Mediawiki Parser Object * @param PPFrame $frame Mediawiki PPFrame Object * * @return string HTML * @throws JsonException */ private static function buildTab( string $tab, Parser $parser, PPFrame $frame ): string { if ( empty( trim( $tab ) ) ) { return ''; } // Use array_pad to make sure at least 2 array values are always returned [ $tabName, $tabBody ] = array_pad( explode( '=', $tab, 2 ), 2, '' ); $tabName = trim( $tabName ); $tabBody = trim( $tabBody ); // Codex mode if ( self::$useCodex ) { // Use language converter to get variant title and also escape html $tabName = $parser->getTargetLanguageConverter()->convertHtml( $tabName ); // A nested tabber which should return json in codex if ( strpos( $tabBody, '{{#tag:tabber' ) !== false ) { self::$isNested = true; $tabBody = $parser->recursiveTagParse( $tabBody, $frame ); self::$isNested = false; // The outermost tabber that must be parsed fully in codex for correct json } else { $tabBody = $parser->recursiveTagParseFully( $tabBody, $frame ); } if ( self::$isNested ) { return json_encode( [ 'label' => $tabName, 'content' => $tabBody ], JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR ); } } // Legacy mode if ( self::$parseTabName ) { $tabName = $parser->recursiveTagParseFully( $tabName ); // Remove outer paragraph tags if ( substr( $tabName, 0, 3 ) == '

' ) { $tabName = substr( $tabName, 3 ); } if ( substr( $tabName, -4 ) == '

' ) { $tabName = substr( $tabName, 0, -4 ); } $tabName = htmlentities( $tabName ); } else { $tabName = $parser->getTargetLanguageConverter()->convertHtml( $tabName ); } $tabBody = $parser->recursiveTagParse( $tabBody, $frame ); // If $tabBody does not have any HTML element (i.e. just a text node), wrap it in

if ( $tabBody && $tabBody[0] !== '<' ) { $tabBody = '

' . $tabBody . '

'; } return '
' . $tabBody . '
'; } }